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Building a Scalable and Reliable Map Interface for Drivers

January 10, 2019 / Global
Featured image for Building a Scalable and Reliable Map Interface for Drivers
Figure 1: The driver app map display in 2013 simply showed the driver location along with pickup and dropoff points.
Figure 2: Occasionally, the map view disappeared in our previous driver app because it was moved to the wrong view controller.
Figure 3: The map architecture in the previous version of the driver app required duplication of some feature code and gave the view controllers many responsibilities.
Figure 4: With our new map architecture, feature code no longer needs to be duplicated and is distributed in bite-sized pieces.
Figure 5: Sometimes in the previous app, a feature might leave elements such as gas station markers on the map while the driver had commenced a trip, creating unnecessary visual clutter.
Figure 6: The bottom panel contributes map padding to ensure the driver’s full route is visible.
Figure 7: As we don’t want any other features to interfere when helping a driver navigate to a high demand area, we give this feature exclusive camera control.
Chris Haugli

Chris Haugli

Chris Haugli is an iOS engineer on the Driver Navigation Experience team. He joined Uber in 2012 and has worked on a variety of projects since then, but has in recent years been focusing on maps and navigation in the driver app.

Posted by Chris Haugli
