HK$100 off 10 Uber Taxi trips
Terms & Conditions
- Redemption of the Promo Code in the Uber App will entitle the Uber App user to up to HK$100 off for one (10) Uber Taxi trips. Any excess amount charged for the trip shall be paid by the Uber App user. Any remaining balance of the Promo Code amount will be immediately forfeited.
- The Promo Code must be applied to the Uber wallet before the trip.
- The Promo Code is limited in quantity and is subject to availability and on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The Promo Codes are valid from 18 December 2024 to 31 December 2025 (“Promotion Period”).
- The Promo Code shall be valid only when both the start and finish time of the trip are within the Promotion Period.
- The Promo Code shall be valid only for trips within Hong Kong with both the start location and end location of the trip being in Hong Kong.
- The Promo Code is not transferable or refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
- Only one promo code can be used for each Uber trip. If an Uber App user has entered multiple promo codes into the Uber App and these are all applicable for the trip, the valid promo code with the highest value will be applied first.
- Other terms and conditions, including the Uber General Terms of Use apply to the Uber App user when he/she uses or redeems the Promo Code.
- Users may only have one Uber App account. If Uber has reasonable grounds to suspect that a user is creating fraudulent or duplicate accounts or otherwise violating these terms and conditions and/or the Uber Community Guidelines, Uber may suspend or terminate the user account and/or the user account’s eligibility or access to to redeem the Promo Codes.
- Any and all questions related to the trip, shall be reported via the Uber App.
- Uber has the sole right to modify, cancel or terminate the Promo Code at any time without prior notification to the Uber App user. In case of any disputes regarding the Promo Code, Uber reserves the right of final decision.
- If there is any discrepancy of the English and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
- See Help Center for terms
十程 Uber Taxi HK$100 乘車優惠
- Uber App 用戶於優惠碼有效期內可兌換十程 最多HK$100 Uber 乘車優惠,超出之車資差額須由 Uber App 用戶自行負擔,優惠餘額會即時自動作廢。
- 優惠碼必須於行程開始前被加入到 Uber 錢包。
- 優惠碼名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
- 優惠碼有效期由 2024 年 12 月 18 日至 2025 年 12 月 31 日(“推廣期”)。
- 優惠碼只適用於推廣期內開始及結束之行程。
- 優惠碼只適用於在香港境内開始和結束地點均在香港境内之行程。
- 優惠碼不可轉讓、不可退款、不能兌換現金。
- 每次 Uber 行程只能使用一個優惠碼。如果你的帳戶内有多於一個適用於你行程的優惠碼,系統會優先使用有效及價值最高的優惠碼。
- Uber App 用戶於使用或兌換優惠碼時將受限於其他條款及細則,包括 Uber 一般使用條款。
- 用戶只可以有一個Uber App帳戶。若Uber有合理理由懷疑用戶創建了欺詐性或多個帳戶或以其它方式違反了這等條款及細則和/或 Uber 社群指引,Uber有權暫停或停止該用戶帳戶和/或該用戶帳戶使用或存取優惠碼的資格。
- 任 何與行程相關的問題,都應透過 Uber 應用程式報告。
- Uber 擁有隨時修改、取消或終止優惠碼的唯一權利,且無需事先通知Uber App用戶。任何有關優惠碼的爭議,Uber 保留最終決定權。
- 若本條款與英文版有歧異,詮釋以英文版為準。
- 條款請參閱幫助中心。
發佈者:Uber Hong Kong