2016年2月1日,中国优步 (UBER) 和蚂蚁金融服务集团(蚂蚁金服)联合宣布,在全球移动出行支付领域达成重要合作,Uber App内将开通支付宝跨境支付功能,使中国内地的优步用户在境外的用车也可以通过支付宝以人民币在线支付车费。2016年春节前首批开通的地区包括香港、澳门和台湾,未来一年还将联合支付宝在更多海外城市开通人民币支付,进一步提升用户体验,方便内地游客境外出行。

优步在2014年接入支付宝,但本次合作之前,内地用户在境外游使用Uber App叫车时仍需要绑定双币信用卡,账单以美元核算支付。支付宝可以解决用户身在海外时需要兑换当地货币或美元的烦恼,在优步与支付宝进行跨境深度合作之后,用户可以直接使用支付宝以人民币支付海外用车账单,无需切换,也无需换汇还款,将使在境外用车的Uber内地用户不再局限于拥有双币信用卡的人士,只要有支付宝就能搭乘优步。

本次选择港澳台三地作为首批合作城市,双方看重的是这三个地区与内地的紧密联系,以及大量来自内地的商旅和观光人群。中国国家旅游局官方数据显示,港澳台都位列内地游客出境旅游目的地的前十名,支付宝和优步在2015年先后进入澳门,当地使用Uber App的行程数和支付宝交易笔数也实现高速增长。在2015年国庆黄金周期间,优步内地的用户在全球6大洲58个国家/地区的255个城市打开Uber App完成叫车出行。另据金融服务及投资公司里昂证券近日发表关于中国内地旅客出境游的调查报告显示:2015年,内地旅客出境次数达到1.25亿人次。受益于区域旅游的增长等一些利好因素,里昂证券预测未来五年,内地游客出境游将继续高速增长,至2020年,预计内地出境旅客将增至2亿人次。



优步亚洲商务负责人艾瑞克.亚历山大(Eric Alexander )表示,“优步很高兴能与支付宝这样优秀的企业开展全球范围的业务合作,提升中国内地用户在世界各地的出行支付体验。作为一家全球性的移动出行平台,优步对中国市场有着重要、长期的承诺,不仅致力于为中国用户不断增加最优秀的解决方案,优化体验,同时与合作伙伴一起植根中国,开拓全球市场。”





Uber and Alipay to Cooperate on Cross-border Payment Solution for Chinese Users

Beijing, February 1, 2016 – Uber China today announced a partnership with Ant Financial Services Group (“Ant Financial”) to offer a seamless cross-border payment solution to Uber riders from mainland China taking trips outside their home region. The partnership will enable riders from mainland China to use their Alipay accounts to pay for Uber rides when they’re travelling in other regions, making it easy and hassle-free for them to pay for a ride no matter where they are. In advance of the Chinese New Year peak travel period, the service will be launched in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, and will be extended to more regions around the world during the year.

Uber riders have been able to use Alipay to pay for their rides in mainland China since 2014. However, until now, riders from mainland China using the Uber app outside their home region needed to connect a dual-currency credit card with their account, and were billed for their rides in U.S. dollars. The partnership with Alipay will enable Uber riders to pay for their international rides directly in RMB using their connected Alipay accounts, eliminating the need for dual currency credit cards or currency conversion.

Uber is the world’s only global ride-sharing app, active in nearly 400 cities across 68 countries and regions in six continents. In China, Uber is currently available in 37 cities, and plans to expand to 55 by the end of February. During China’s week-long ‘National Day’ holiday in 2015, Uber users from mainland China took Uber rides in 255 cities across 58 countries and regions.

Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan have been selected as the launch cities for this partnership because of their popularity with Chinese business and leisure travellers, and their importance as key markets for both Alipay and Uber. According to the China National Tourism Administration, these three regions consistently rank among the top ten destinations for Chinese tourists. Alipay and Uber both entered the Macau market in 2015, and have both recorded strong growth in user numbers since launch. According to independent brokerage and investment group CLSA, in 2015 tourists from Mainland Chinese made 125 million outbound trips. Building on the growth of regional tourism and other beneficial trends, CLSA predicts that the number of outbound tourists from Mainland China will continue to grow rapidly, and that by 2020 the number of outbound trips will top 200 million.

Eric Alexander, Head of Business for Uber Asia, said, “We’re delighted to partner with Alipay, and to work with them to bring the convenience of their payment platform to our users internationally. As the only truly global ridesharing platform, we are increasingly seeing very strong demand from mainland Chinese riders using Uber in other markets internationally, and this partnership enables us to provide these travellers with a more convenient, hassle-free payment solution.”

Alipay is the world’s largest third-party payment platform, with over 400 million active registered users and 200 financial institution partners in China.  Alipay has previously announced that it will also partner with Uber’s Open API initiative, and will work with Uber on enhancing the user experience for Uber riders.