
今天,我们很高兴宣布正式推出 uberX 优选轿车,在中国的四个城市(上海,北京,广州以及深圳)同时启动。uberX 希望以更平易近人的价格,秉承一贯的优质服务,为您提供更多选择!



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如何在广州使用 Uber?

  1. 至 App Store 或 Google Play 商店下载 Uber App 并完成安装。(Uber App需使用Android 2.1、IOS 5以上的版本,无以上版本的话可使用网页并输入:m.uber.com 即可叫车。)
  2. 输入信用卡(VISA、万事达、或者美国运通卡)和支付宝信息完成注册。此后所有行程车资将自动从您注册的信用卡中扣款,免除支付现金的麻烦。
  3. 完成注册后,您可使用软件内中的定位图标或自行输入您所指定的上车地点。



Last August, we brought UberBLACK to Shanghai, our very first city in China. Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Beijing followed soon after and we have received overwhelming support from you, our riders, across the country.

We are dedicated to providing a quality, convenient and seamless transportation option for all and we are not about to stop. Uber has always been about providing users a choice. As you fire up your Uber app this morning, there will be a brand new option in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Introducing uberX!


What is uberX?

In addition to the same high-end UberBLACK service you know and love, now you can jet off in a mid-range sedan, with the same service you love from our Uber partners. Headed to a meeting in Tianhe or dinner in YueXiu, let uberX take you there. Treat yourself to uberX on your daily commute, more often, more conveniently.

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Here in Guangzhou, life is busy and the commute is long, imagine sitting back in your uberX, removed from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind as you travel swiftly across Liede. Take in the scenery while preparing for that all-important meeting across town. From today on, comfort and convenience need not come at a premium.


Spread the word

Spread the word using your invite code under the share function — your friends will get RMB50 off their first trip and you’ll get RMB50 for every referral who takes their first ride.


New to Uber?

Sounds great, now how do you get some Uber? Quick steps below:

  1. Download the Uber app on your iPhone or Android device
  2. Register with your credit card
  3. Set the pin at your preferred pick-up location and request a ride – Uber will let you know exactly when your car will arrive

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Scan the QR Code to follow Uber Guangzhou on WeChat or email us directly at [email protected] if you have any other comments or requests.