- 16-year-old vehicle or newer
- 4-door vehicle
- Good condition with no cosmetic damage
- No commercial branding
Uber accepts both official and temporary registration documents. The vehicle does not need to be registered in your name to qualify.
All partners must maintain their own insurance policy in accordance with state and local laws. In addition, Uber maintains automobile liability insurance on behalf of all U.S. partners.
Vehicle options in your country
- 乘客车门可单独打开的 4 门车辆
- 出厂标配 5 个座椅、5 条安全带
- 车窗和空调可正常使用
- 并非面包车、箱式货车或类似车辆
- 并非出租车、政府车辆或带有其他特殊标识的车辆
- 并非报废车辆或改装车辆
- 未进行售后座椅改装,如安装座椅、安全带或 BedRyder 系统
Seat extra passengers—and earn higher fares—with your high-capacity vehicle.
Additional requirements
- 4-door vehicle with independently opening passenger doors
- Have 7 factory-installed seats and seat belts
- Working windows and air conditioning
- No vans, box trucks, or similar vehicles
- No taxi cabs, government cars, or other marked vehicles
- No salvaged or rebuilt vehicles
- No aftermarket seating modifications, such as installed seats, seat belts, or BedRyder systems
Comfort was designed to maximize possibilities on the Uber platform.
Additional requirements:
- Maintain eligibility on a different Uber option such as UberX, Select, UberXL, Uber Black, or Uber Black SUV
- Have a minimum star rating of 4.85 and have completed at least 100 trips
- Drive a vehicle with more legroom than smaller, compact cars eligible for UberX and that meet the minimum vehicle year requirement
Under local regulations for Richmond, all drivers must display an Uber decal on their vehicle while online. Place one on your rear passenger side window facing outward. You can remove it when you decide to go offline and save it for the next time. Pro tip: keep the paper it comes with to place your sticker on when not in use.
Once you become an Uber driver, we will mail you a decal. You should receive it within 7 business days. If you ever need a new decal after you become a driver, you can request a new one be mailed to you. You can also pick one up at your local Greenlight Hub.
Local requirements
To ensure that you stay safe and compliant on the road, all drivers should be aware of local regulatory requirements.