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Ghidul comunității Uber

Our Community Guidelines were developed to help make every experience feel safe and respectful. Whether you're a driver or a rider, JUMP user or delivery person, restaurant or Uber Eats customer, everyone is expected to treat everyone else with respect, help keep one another safe, and follow the law.

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Importanța Ghidului comunității

Not following any of our Community Guidelines may result in the loss of access to your Uber accounts. Here are a few examples:

  • Using Uber apps to commit any crime

  • Sexual assault or sexual misconduct

  • Discriminating against someone based on traits such as age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law

Sfaturi pentru siguranță

Your personal space and comfort should be respected at all times while you're driving or delivering with Uber. If you encounter a difficult rider or customer, here are a few resources.

Poți anula oricând o cursă

Dacă ai fost amenințat(ă) sau nu te simți în siguranță, poți să închei cursa și să ne raportezi incidentul.

Raportează incidentul

Uber reviews all reports submitted to our customer support team that may violate our Community Guidelines. To report an incident through your app, go to Help, select the relevant trip, and submit a message to our support team.

În cazul unei urgențe, contactează autoritățile

Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în timpul unei curse, folosește butonul pentru situații de urgență din aplicație pentru a suna autoritățile. Aplicația afișează detalii despre locul unde te afli și despre cursă pentru a-ți oferi posibilitatea să le trimiți rapid serviciilor de urgență.

Întrebări frecvente

  • Uber primește feedback printr-o varietate de canale, examinează rapoartele pe care echipa noastră de suport pentru clienți le primește despre încălcarea Ghidului comunității și poate efectua anchete folosind o echipă specializată. Îți putem restricționa contul până când finalizăm examinarea. Nerespectarea Ghidului comunității poate duce la pierderea accesului la conturile Uber. Acest lucru poate include anumite acțiuni pe care le poți săvârși în afara aplicațiilor, dacă stabilim că acțiunile respective amenință siguranța comunității Uber sau provoacă prejudicii mărcii, reputației sau activităților companiei Uber.

  • Not following any of our Community Guidelines may result in the loss of access to your Uber accounts. Here are some examples of Community Guidelines violations:

    • Physical contact. Hurting or intending to hurt anyone.

    • Threatening and rude behavior. Using language or gestures that could be disrespectful, threatening, or inappropriate.

    • Breaking laws. Violating any applicable law, including airport rules and regulations when at the airport, and rules of the road, such as speed and traffic laws, at any time when using Uber apps. All drivers and delivery people using a vehicle are required by law to maintain a valid driver’s license, insurance, and vehicle registration.

    • Discrimination. Discriminating against someone based on traits such as age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law.

    • Drugs and alcohol. Driving or biking while intoxicated (it’s against the law).

    • Fraud. Deception can weaken trust and also be dangerous. Examples of fraud include deliberately increasing the time or distance of a trip or delivery for fraudulent purposes; accepting trip, order, or delivery requests without the intention to complete them, including provoking riders to cancel for fraudulent purposes; creating dummy accounts for fraudulent purposes; claiming fraudulent fees or charges, like false cleaning fees; intentionally requesting, accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified trips or deliveries; claiming to complete a delivery without ever picking up the delivery item; picking up a delivery item but retaining all or a portion of the item, and not delivering the entire order; abusing promotions and/or not using them for their intended purpose; disputing charges for fraudulent or illegitimate reasons; or creating improper duplicate accounts.

    • Account sharing. To use any Uber app, you need to register and maintain an active account. Don’t let another person use your account, and never share your personal information used in connection with your account, such as your user name and password with anyone else.

    • Providing inaccurate vehicle information. For an easy pickup or delivery, Uber apps give riders and customers identifying information about drivers and delivery people and their vehicles, including their license plate number, vehicle make and model, profile picture, and name. Inaccurate or outdated information creates confusion among riders and customers and can diminish their experience using Uber apps.

    • Sex while using Uber apps. Uber has a no-sex rule. Sexual contact is prohibited while using Uber apps, including during a trip or on a delivery, regardless of whether you know the person or they give you their consent.

    • Sexual assault and misconduct. Uber prohibits sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind. Sexual assault and misconduct refers to sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent of the other person.

    • Unwanted contact with riders after a trip or delivery. Contact should end when the trip or delivery is complete, unless it’s to return a lost item. For example, texting, calling, visiting, or trying to visit someone in person after completing a trip or delivery is not allowed.

  • Yes. Uber's Community Guidelines apply to everyone who uses any of the Uber apps, including drivers, riders, delivery people, Uber Eats customers, restaurants, and users.

Detaliile disponibile pe această pagină web au doar scop informativ și este posibil să nu se aplice în țara, regiunea sau orașul tău. Acestea pot fi modificate și actualizate fără notificare.