This Earth Day #DitchYourKeys and help keep our planet green. We’re adding an easy way to take an alternative transportation method to and from wherever you need to go. Request UberGREEN and you’ll get a ride in one of the many hybrid or electric vehicles available in South Florida.

Request UberGREEN
For Hybrid + Electric Vehicles
4/22 7am – 7pm

uberX rates apply to UberGREEN


Here are some simple tips for keeping South Florida beautiful:

  • Fare-split your next ride to work with co-workers
  • Use bike sharing to run errands or visit with friends
  • Skip the parking lot and ride with Uber to the train/bus station

With growing traffic congestion and fewer parking options, taking alternative transportation options like ride-sharing is not only good for the environment, but for you too. Help the planet and travel smart with UberGREEN this Earth Day.