When you choose to Uber home at the end of a night, you’re doing your part to keep streets safe. This weekend, take a step further and join the Uber Connecticut team as we walk to end drunk driving at Walk Like MADD.

You can even be involved without attending the event by signing up as a virtual walker on our team.

As a part of our ongoing commitment to help end drunk driving, we’re proud to walk with our local community and support Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

“We are excited to see Uber Connecticut support our effort to bring the community together for the Walk Like MADD event this Saturday. This is a great opportunity for Fairfield area residents to get together and take steps to stop drunk driving in their community.” –Janice Margolis, Executive Director, MADD CT

“We lose far too many people every year to drinking and driving. Thankfully, services like Uber are making it easier for people to make more responsible choices. With the holidays around the corner, I hope even more residents will see Uber as a safe and reliable ride home, so that we can avoid tragic and senseless accidents.” – Representative Themis Klarides, House Minority Leader

Ready to get involved?

New to Uber? Sign up with promo code MADDCT for $25 off your first ride, and Uber will donate $5 to MADD Connecticut.