Do you keep time like a Swiss watchmaker? If so, we’ll be in touch with you soon to discover the secret of punctuality. Until then though, we’re probably going to be running a few minutes late… Fortunately, the latest Uber app feature lets you update friends and family on exactly how on-time (or not) you’ll be. Here’s how it works:

Once your driver is on the way, you can choose to share your ETA in real-time with a few simple steps.

  1. Choose “SHARE MY ETA” in the menu next to your driver’s name
  2. Enter a destination
  3. Select the people you’d like to share with

last and final

Now, each of the people you’ve contacted will receive a text with your ETA and a live map that shows exactly when you’ll get to your destination!

From our experience, we know just how handy this can be:

  • your co-worker will know that you’ll be at the meeting in a few
  • your friends will know how much longer they should beg the restaurant to keep your table
  • your mom won’t panic because she’ll know that you made it home alive

No need to keep sending texts or phone calls guessing how far away you are. Leave the ETA updates to Uber and set your watch an extra five minutes ahead. Or just practice your most heartfelt apologies.