This month, for Mother’s Day, we are proud to profile Sheyla on our blog – a Miami driver-partner and single mom who supports her family of three: herself, her 22-year-old daughter and her 92-year-old mother.

How did you get started driving with Uber?

I started last summer, about a year ago. I was a pharmaceutical sales rep for 21 years and I quit the industry to start selling jewelry online. I work at the house most of the time on the computer, and needed to do something else to be with people! Plus, having been a sales rep for so long, I was very experienced with driving and dealing with people.

Now I drive part-time around my schedule with the jewelry business, whenever I want to. That’s one of the things I love about Uber. 

This summer I am sending my daughter on an exchange program to Madrid and Morocco – plus five extra nights in Portugal for her birthday. Without Uber, I wouldn’t have been able to offer this opportunity to my daughter.

What does driving with Uber mean to you as a mom?

I am a widow and the head of house for 3 people – my mom Richie who is 92 and my daughter Ariana who is 22, studying communications at Florida International University. The money that I make driving helps to pay for her dorm and expenses at school. If it weren’t for this extra income, I wouldn’t have been able to send Ariana to the exchange program she is attending this summer in Madrid and Morocco. Her birthday falls during her trip and I booked her five extra nights in Portugal to celebrate her birthday after her program ends. I am grateful to be driving with Uber, because without it I wouldn’t have been able to offer this opportunity to my daughter.

From Left:
Sheyla, her daughter Ariana (22), and mother Richie (92)

What is your favorite thing about driving with Uber?

I love interacting with people and being able to take them to their destination. Something I hear from the riders is how much Miami needs Uber – every person I drive is happy that they can use Uber to get around the city. At the same time I love seeing new places around town and enjoying our beautiful city. I live in Key Biscayne and I have a great view every day driving people over the bridge. Sometimes the traffic is bad in Miami – but I also believe Uber is helping with that, since every person doesn’t need to drive their own car. 

This week, I sent an email to the county commission to thank them for voting yes to keep Uber in Miami. I am excited that Uber is here to stay, because this company has meant so much to me.