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Uber’s technology offerings

Changing how people can request rides and get from point A to point B is just the beginning.

Uber apps, products, and other offerings

Uber is a technology company whose mission is to reimagine the way the world moves for the better. Our technology helps us develop and maintain multisided platforms that match consumers looking for rides and independent providers of ride services, as well as with other forms of transportation, including public transit, bikes, and scooters.

We also connect consumers and restaurants, grocers, and other merchants so they can buy and sell meals, groceries, and other items, then we match them with independent delivery service providers. Plus, Uber connects shippers and carriers in the freight industry.

Our technology helps people connect and move in over 70 countries and 10,000 cities around the world.

Uber's most popular ride options

Request a ride, hop in, and go.

  • UberX

    Affordable rides, all to yourself

  • UberX Share

    Share the ride with up to one co-rider at a time

  • Uber Comfort

    Newer cars with extra legroom

  • Uber Black

    Premium rides in luxury cars

  • Scooters

    Electric scooters to help you get around your city

  • Uber WAV

    Rides in wheelchair-accessible vehicles



Peace of mind is designed into your experience.


Available in 10,000+ cities.


Access to rides at 600+ airports.

Earn money with Uber

Drive with Uber

Make the most of your time on the road on the platform with the largest network of active riders.

Deliver with Uber

Make money by delivering food orders that people crave, and other items using the Uber Eats app—all while exploring your city.

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