Vali õiguspiirkond:
Last modified: 5/19/2023
Rider Promotions Terms and Conditions
Uber offers various promotions and discounts. While the specific terms for each promotion may vary, there are some important things to know about promotions and discounts in general:
- Promotions are included in the price you see before requesting a ride. Look for a strikethrough on the displayed price to check if any promotion or discount applies.
- After your trip, you can check to see if a promotion or discount was applied by checking your receipt for the “Promotions” line item.
- While many promotions are offered for a week (or longer), there may also be promotions that are offered in real-time based on the characteristics of that specific trip (e.g., route, time of day) and your history of using the Uber app. These promotions may no longer be offered if the trip characteristics change.
- For more details about promotions, see the Rider app or the “Wallet” section of the “Account” menu.
- Depending upon the promotion, you may have to enter the promo code before the trip for it to apply.
- If multiple valid promo codes apply, the promotion with the highest savings will automatically apply to your next trip.
- Promotions are non-transferable and the promotion and terms are subject to change.
Vali eelistatud keel
Vali eelistatud keel