Preferred Currency Pricing Terms
Uber’s Preferred Currency Pricing enables you to pay for charges for transportation services in your home currency when you are traveling abroad.
Uber offers Preferred Currency Pricing in select locations; these terms apply when making use of Preferred Currency Pricing.
When you are traveling in a market where Preferred Currency Pricing is available, Uber may automatically assign your home currency as your 'Preferred Currency' in your wallet. “Preferred Currency” refers to the currency selected in your wallet as the preferred currency for billing of transportation services offered on the Uber platform. If we are unable to determine your home currency or if you have not designated a Preferred Currency, trip fare prices will be displayed in the Local Currency and you will be charged in that currency. “Local Currency” refers to the currency of the location where you book the ride. You may change your Preferred Currency at any time by logging on to the Uber app and navigating to the ‘Preferred Currency’ settings in your wallet. Your updated preferences will apply on subsequent Uber rides.
For all eligible rides, your fare will be displayed in your Preferred Currency. Unless you opt out of Preferred Currency Pricing, you will view trip fare prices and will be charged in your Preferred Currency. Use of Preferred Currency Pricing will be subject to a currency conversion fee equal to 1.5% of the Local Currency value of the total trip fare (including all applicable taxes and fees as required by law) (“Conversion Fee”). This Conversion Fee will not be assessed on any tip payments.
The exchange rate applied to your total amount is based on rates provided by our financial partner. The exchange rate will be displayed in the fare breakdown provided to you prior to booking and purchasing your ride. Preferred Currency is an optional feature and you always have the ability to opt out of paying in your Preferred Currency at checkout before booking your ride to avoid the Conversion Fee.
Your credit card issuer or bank may impose additional fees, which may increase the overall cost of your purchase. The Conversion Fee assessed by Uber will apply even if your credit card does not charge a foreign transaction fee. Please refer to your credit card’s applicable terms and conditions or contact your credit card issuer to learn more about fees that may apply to foreign transactions. Uber does not represent or guarantee that utilizing Preferred Currency Pricing will provide any cost savings over using your credit card’s currency conversion process.
You will receive a receipt at the end of your trip with all charges (including the Conversion Fee) outlined in the Local Currency as well as in your Preferred Currency and in the regions where required, the relevant euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank.
Preferred Currency Pricing is available for select Uber rides only, and cannot be used for any other Uber products or services at this time. Preferred Currency Pricing may not be used with certain selected payment methods, including certain pre-paid travel cards and debit multi-currency cards. Uber Cash cannot be used in conjunction with Preferred Currency Pricing.
Preferred Currency Pricing is offered only in supported countries and currencies. If you are booking a ride in a country where Preferred Currency Pricing is not supported, trip fares will be displayed in the Local Currency only (even if a Preferred Currency is designated in your wallet). For more information on Preferred Currency Pricing, visit our Help Center.
Uber reserves the right to amend or cancel Preferred Currency Pricing at any time. Your continued use of Preferred Currency Pricing will indicate your acceptance of any amendment of these terms.
Depending on your country of residence, Preferred Currency Pricing is provided to you by:
- For residents of the United Kingdom: Uber B.V.;
- For residents of the European Economic Area: Uber B.V.;
- For residents of the USA: Rasier, LLC;
- For residents of Canada: Rasier Canada.