(Effective December 23, 2024)
You must comply with California laws, which can include California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) rules and requirements and other laws as applicable to Transportation Network Company (TNC) and Charter Party Carrier (TCP) drivers and Delivery Network Company (DNC) delivery people[1]. By clicking “I Agree,” you are affirming that you have reviewed this information, the below Safety Training Document, and have reviewed all driver training materials.
Driver Training:
TNC and TCP drivers and delivery people are required to complete a driver safety training program to help ensure that all drivers and delivery people have information regarding the safe operation of their vehicle prior to offering services. The CPUC also requires that TNC drivers “regularly refresh their knowledge of state and federal regulatory requirements.”[2]
This training program, which includes the Safety Document below, must be reviewed by all TNC and TCP drivers and delivery people before they can connect with trips or deliveries through the Uber platform (“Driver App”).
Requests by the CPUC for Information:
The CPUC requires us to notify TNC drivers in California that consent is not needed for the disclosure of a TNC driver’s information to the CPUC.[3]
Self-Reporting Vehicle Mileage:
In California, all TNC vehicles must complete a 19-point vehicle inspection every 12 months or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first. This 50,000-mile requirement includes miles driven even when you are not logged into the Driver App. As such, all California TNC drivers must self-report their vehicle mileage.
Trade Dress:
The CPUC requires that all TNC drivers display the Uber trade dress in two locations whenever online. You must display trade dress in both the front windshield on the passenger side and the back windshield on the passenger side. Having Uber trade dress helps riders quickly identify your car so you can start the trip on time. Please be aware that failure to display trade dress on both front and rear windshields when online can result in a ticket and fine of up to $1,000. As a reminder, do not display Uber trade dress when not providing TNC service through the Driver App. If you are deactivated from the Driver App please discard and/or destroy any Uber trade dress in your possession.
Unaccompanied Minors:
In California, TNC drivers cannot transport an unaccompanied minor on trips arranged through the Uber platform. Keep in mind that in California, a rider must be over 18 years old to sign up for an Uber account. If you believe a rider might be underage, you can ask them to confirm their age and let them know that you will have to cancel the trip if they are indeed under 18. In addition, you can report other requests to transport unaccompanied minors by submitting in-app feedback.
App-Based Trips:
All trips arranged through the Uber platform must be prearranged. TNC drivers are not permitted to provide transport to members of the public outside of a TNC platform such as Uber. Street hailing or picking up riders who have not requested through the Uber platform is against the law and can result in citations and fines.
Service Animals:
Service animals must be accommodated in compliance with accessibility laws. In accordance with these accessibility laws, you must accept service animals into your vehicle. Allergies, religious objections, or a generalized fear of animals are not legitimate reasons to deny a service animal.
California airports may have different rules that you must comply with if you are completing an airport pickup or dropoff trip. For information about airports in your area, please visit here.
You may not discriminate against riders based on race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law. Such discrimination includes, but is not limited to, refusing to provide services based on any of these characteristics. Ratings of users are to be based on a user's behavior and may not be based on any of the above or other characteristics protected under applicable law. For more information please refer to this page.
Rejecting requests for any discriminatory reason, including rejecting trips solely to avoid particular neighborhoods or due to the characteristics of the people or businesses that are located in a neighborhood, violates Uber’s Community Guidelines and California law. You can review our Community Guidelines here.
California Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy and Incident Reporting:
Uber is committed to creating and maintaining a community that promotes a safe and respectful experience for all users of our platform. As drivers, your experiences should feel safe, respected, and protected from sexual misconduct and sexual assault while driving with Uber. This includes from riders, Uber employees, and anyone else.
Uber does not tolerate sexual assault or sexual misconduct from anyone. We take all allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct involving our users extremely seriously and work to take appropriate action on every report quickly and fairly. Uber uses technology to enable users to submit incident reports quickly, easily, and discreetly right in the app. While prompt reporting is encouraged, Uber will receive and review reports of any sexual misconduct and/or sexual assault incidents reported to have occurred on our platform, regardless of date, and until the case review is complete. Users in California can submit reports to Uber through the following ways: on-trip reporting, tapping ‘Help’ in your Uber app post-trip,, 24/7 Critical Safety Response Line, and Uber Greenlight Hubs (when open). Uber also proactively reaches out to users after emergency safety features are used or triggered, such as In-App Emergency Button and RideCheck. Uber gathers safety incident reports from other sources such as social media mentions, news media mentions, law enforcement inbounds, regulator inquiries, insurance claims, and other third parties.
Sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind, by drivers, delivery people, customers, or third parties is prohibited while using the Uber platform, and in many cases are prohibited by law.
Sexual Harassment/Misconduct
Uber defines sexual harassment/misconduct as non-physical conduct (e.g., verbal or staring) of a sexual or romantic nature that is without consent, or has the effect of threatening or intimidating a user against whom such conduct is directed. This includes explicit or non-explicit verbal comments or non-verbal, non-physical acts such as:
- Staring or leering
- Asking personal questions (e.g., inquiries about relationship status, sexual orientation, phone number, social media accounts or connections, etc.)
- Comments about appearance (e.g., derogatory and ‘complimentary’ comments, or comments about someone’s perceived gender identity or expression, etc.)
- Flirting (e.g., non-verbal, suggestive flirting, becoming physically close to a person in a way they felt was sexual or flirtatious, etc.)
- Explicit gestures
- Explicit comments (e.g., epithets, slurs, or jokes; graphic comments, sexually degrading words, or suggestive or obscene messages, etc.)
- Displaying indecent material (e.g., sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, posters, watching pornography or other sexual suggestive media, etc.)
- Indecent photography/video without consent
- Soliciting a sexual act (e.g., unwanted sexual advances or invitations, offering money in exchange for sex acts, etc.)
- Indecent exposure (e.g., including riders conducting sext acts during a trip, “mooning”, “flashing”, public urination, etc.)
- Verbal threat of sexual assault
- Masturbation
Sexual Assault
Uber defines sexual assault as physical or attempted physical conduct that is reported to be sexual in nature and without the consent of the user. Uber defines sexual body parts as the mouth, breasts/chest, buttocks, and genitalia. All other body parts are considered non-sexual body parts. Acts of sexual assault include:
- Attempted touching of a non-sexual body part
- Attempted kissing of a non-sexual body part
- Attempted touching of a sexual body part
- Attempted kissing of a sexual body part
- Non-consensual touching of a non-sexual body part
- Non-consensual kissing of a non-sexual body part
- Attempted non-consensual sexual penetration
- Non-consensual touching of a sexual body part
- Non-consensual kissing of a sexual body part
- Non-consensual sexual penetration
Uber has a no-sex rule. Sexual contact is prohibited while using the Uber platform, including during a trip or delivery, regardless of whether you know the person or they give you their consent. In addition to the above behaviors, contact must end when the trip or delivery is complete, unless it’s to return a lost item and with appropriate consent. For example, texting, calling, visiting, following/friending on social media, or trying to visit the user in person after a trip or delivery has been completed is not allowed.
Through enforcement of the California Anti-Sexual Harassment policy and our Community Guidelines, and by education of drivers through training, Uber will seek to prevent and respond appropriately to reported behavior that violates this policy. This may include permanently deactivating (banning) a user account from the Uber platform. All drivers and users of the Uber platform in California are subject to and are expected to comply with this policy and to take appropriate measures to ensure that prohibited conduct does not occur. You can review our complete policy here.
Operating Without Proper Authority:
You MAY NOT share your personal login information for the Driver App with others. ONLY YOU may use your login information for the Driver App. If you let someone else use your account, you will lose access to the Driver App. Additionally, TCP license holders shall not knowingly allow their operating authority or TCP number(s) to be used by others.
(Effective December 23, 2024)
Car Safety
In order to comply with the law and to help ensure that users of the Uber platform have a safe experience:
- Always carry your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance card whenever you drive. Make sure that you take care to renew each document prior to expiration, and to upload the updated documents to your Uber profile.
- TNC drivers are required by the California Public Utilities Commission to submit your vehicle for a 19-point inspection.
- You are expected to maintain your vehicle in safe operating condition. Address maintenance issues preventatively. Pay extra attention to safety items such as lights, brakes, wipers, and tires. Drivers are responsible for monitoring and repairing any vehicle recalls. TNC drivers may not use vehicles with salvaged, rebuilt, or reconstructed title to perform trips.
- Before going online, check your vehicle for damage and verify that it is clean and ready for riders.
- Check head, tail, and brake lights. Monitor dashboard warning lights. Do not drive if the Check Engine, Brake, ABS or Airbag lights are lit.
Road Safety Training
Being out on the road means doing your part to help keep yourself and others safe. That means keeping your eyes on the road and being well rested, so you can act quickly and appropriately to any situation you may encounter. We review rider and customer reports of potentially unsafe driving and repeated complaints could cause you to lose access to the Driver App.
That’s why Uber is partnering with the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) and The League of American Bicyclists to provide safety tips that can help keep you, your riders and others safe on the road.
- Speeding
Driving the speed limit can help prevent a crash because 1/3 of roadway deaths involve speeding.
- Slowing down is one of the most effective things you can do to reduce the chances of injury or death to you, your rider or other road users. Take extra precaution when driving in bad weather, urban areas, and where children are present.
- Speeding is illegal and may make for an uncomfortable ride and low ratings.
- Speeding can cost you in fines, higher insurance costs and vehicle wear and tear.
- We’ve added optional in-app alerts to help you keep track of your speed and the posted limit.
2. Right of Way
Just like motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and scooter riders have a right to the road. Be cautious when approaching and entering an intersection.
- Continuously scan the road by moving your eyes and/or head to detect hazards ahead, to the side and behind your vehicle – a 360-degree view. Listening is also critical for detecting hazards such as emergency vehicle sirens or a motorcycle engine.
- Keep your distance and avoid following the vehicle in front of you too closely, so you have adequate space and time to take evasive action. Three seconds is the optimal following distance in ideal weather and traffic conditions.
- Using your signal when turning or changing lanes is the best way to let other road users know your intentions.
- The most dangerous time to enter an intersection is when the light is yellow or has just turned green. Always scan the intersection and traffic from the opposite directions carefully before pulling into the intersection.
- In areas where there’s likely to be pedestrians and bicyclists, slow down below the posted speed limit. Bicyclists are allowed full use of the lane and drivers must yield or stop for pedestrians in marked and unmarked crosswalks, which are typically at intersections and cross streets.
- When passing a person on a bike, you should leave at least 5 feet of space between the widest part of your car and the widest part of the bike. There may be specific requirements under California law.
- Never stop in the bike lane, not even for a minute. Find a safe place to stop next to the curb or in a nearby driveway, but never stop in the bike lane.
- If you aren't sure who has the right of way, be extra careful. If you know you have the right of way, but another motorist seems to disagree, wait and allow them to proceed.
3. Left-Hand Turns
Always yield to oncoming traffic and make sure you have good visibility and adequate time when making a left-hand turn especially at an uncontrolled intersection.
- Signal your intention to turn at least 150 feet in advance, scan ahead using your mirrors and check your blind spots and around parked cars. Yield the right of way to other traffic. It can be hard to estimate the speed and distance of an approaching vehicle especially after dark and in inclement weather. Resist the urge to speed up. Instead, wait until the vehicle clears your path before turning.
- If you want to turn left at a traffic light that does not have a left-turn arrow, consider continuing through and making three right turns around the block, and then use the traffic light to go straight across. This maneuver can be a smart and safe choice particularly at high-traffic intersections.
- Distraction
Keeping your eyes, mind and ears on the road, and your hands on the wheel is the safest way to drive.
- Distracted driving can take many forms from holding and checking your phone, to drinking a cup of coffee.
- Use a mount to position your phone at eye level without obstructing your view and in compliance with local laws — to make it easier to see without losing focus on the road.
- Some drivers find it useful to have their phone’s audible guidance turned on, enabling them to focus on the road instead of looking at the screen.
Pickup and drop-off riders only in legal and safe locations.
- Vehicles are prohibited from stopping – even for just a few seconds – in bus and bike lanes, taxi zones and crosswalks. Be on the lookout for signs and roadway markings identifying these restricted areas. If the pickup location is in a prohibited spot, when it’s safe to do so call the rider and agree on a new location. If the ride ends early for a safety reason or at the rider’s request, find a legal and safe location for the new drop off- areas that are not safe for drop off include highways and freeways
- Signal or use your flashers to alert other drivers you’re pulling over for a pickup or drop-off.
When you or a rider are ready to open the door, follow these steps:
- Ask your rider to exit curbside for their safety.
- Check mirrors and look over your shoulder for oncoming bikes.
- Practice the Dutch Reach. Use the hand that’s farthest from the door to open it. This forces you to look over your shoulder to see if anyone on bike or scooter is approaching.
- Open the door slowly (when it’s safe to do so), and close it quickly.
- Occupant Protection
Seat belts are the best defense against impaired, aggressive and distracted drivers. They help keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle and can prevent you from being ejected. Not wearing a seat belt puts you at greater risk for severe injury or death in the event of a crash.
- The back seat isn’t safer; riders should always buckle up, in every seat and on every trip. In many states, the driver is responsible for ensuring all riders are properly restrained in seat belts or child safety seats.
- Be a role model and buckle up every trip. When you buckle up, your riders are more likely to follow your lead.
- Include seat belts in your vehicle maintenance check. They should be easily accessible and working properly.
- Impaired Driving
By law, you may not operate a vehicle while intoxicated. Driving under the influence of alcohol, prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications (including cannabis), and/or illegal drugs can impact your ability to drive safely. The same applies when you’re fatigued or drowsy. If you encounter a rider who is too drunk or rowdy, you have the right to decline the trip for your own safety.
- Uber has a zero tolerance policy for the use of alcohol and other drugs while driving.
- Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the possible side effects of any prescription or over-the-counter medications you may be taking. This applies to medical marijuana, too.
- Drowsy driving can be as deadly as driving drunk. Get proper rest and take regular breaks when driving.
- Know the signs of drowsy driving – frequent yawning, head nodding, inability to keep your eyes open, following other vehicles too closely, missing exits or turns, not being able to stay focused – and find a place to pull over and take a nap if you experience any of them.
- Don’t rely on caffeine or a cold shower to sober you up or revive you if you’re sleepy.
Food Safety
As part of the Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE), an active network of 13,000 health and food safety educators, Uber Eats is committed to sharing concise, actionable food safety education, rooted in science.
Uber Eats offers these tips on maintaining personal hygiene and keeping food deliveries untampered and uncontaminated.
Preparing to Deliver:
- Practice good hygiene - Your personal hygiene is especially important. Prior to delivering with Uber Eats, we recommend dressing in clean clothes and closed toe shoes. Ensure that your nails are clean and trimmed, and effective hair restraints are worn when necessary. Don't handle food packages if your hands and clothes are dirty, especially if you have an open sore, burn, wound, or scab. Wash or sanitize your hands before and after each delivery.
- Cleaning Bags Insulated Bags last longer when cleaned frequently. Before delivering with Uber Eats, we recommend that you thoroughly clean your insulated bag with antibacterial wipes, water, and a clean cloth or paper towel.
Pick Up
- Use caution with hot foods and liquids. Be cautious of broken or insecure containers to prevent spilled hot food or liquids that may injure you.
- Avoid cross-contamination. Keep foods separated to avoid cross-contamination such as keeping raw foods separate from fresh produce or cooked and ready-to-eat foods. Keep food products separate from products that contain hazard symbols such as household cleaning supplies.
In Transit
- Insulated bags are recommended. An insulated bag can help maintain food’s temperature during deliveries, which makes for a better customer experience. To help prevent cross contamination, be sure to clean your bag regularly, keeping an eye out for any spills. You can order an insulated bag here.
- Don’t tamper with the food. Do not open the packaging or tamper with food items in any way to prevent the risk of cross-contamination and food-borne illnesses. Well-sealed packaging is important in helping keep food safe.
- Keep order secured. Prevent spills or damage to the order by securing the package in a stable and flat position while in transit. Consider equipment such as drink carriers or insulated bags for additional security.
- Limit number of unscheduled stops. Limit unscheduled stops or delays in order to help preserve safe food temperatures and maintain high quality deliveries for your customers.
Drop Off
Leave order in a safe location. When completing a contactless delivery, choose a clean, dry area to leave the food order. Do not leave orders unattended if the customer did not select the “Leave at door” selection or communicate this preference to you through the app.
Sign off
There are many things we can do to maintain food safety, both when handling food for ourselves and for others. Remember to:
- Clean surfaces often and wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before and after handling food.
- Separate raw meat, poultry, seafood and eggs from other foods.
- Transport hot foods in insulated thermal containers. Keep containers closed.
- Chill and refrigerate promptly to slow the growth of harmful bacteria. When traveling with food, a cold source is key.
To learn more about best practices for safe food delivery, review this guidance from the FDA and the USDA. To learn more about PFSE’s food safety principles, visit Fightbac website.
Although all drivers who utilize the Driver App must complete this driver safety training, some requirements contained herein do not apply to TCP drivers or delivery people. Please review this document carefully to determine where we have indicated that the requirement is specific to TNC drivers. ↑
CPUC Decision 16-04-041, at 25-26. ↑
See CPUC Decision 16-04-041 at 3. ↑