Uber Eatsの配達に係る規制品目
Restricted items for Uber Eats Deliveries
Merchants may not send the following items:
Tobacco, tobacco products, vaping products or similar items
・アルコール濃度 60% 以上(60% を含む)の物品(アルコール飲料、消毒用アルコールなど)
Items with alcohol concentration above 60% (inclusive), such as alcoholic beverages and disinfectant alcohol items
Alcohol beverages that will be delivered to another prefecture from the pickup location where Merchant does not have an appropriate license for such delivery
Weapons or explosives
Illegal items (items that are illegal to possess, transfer or sell), or regulated items unless expressly permitted
Hazardous materials/goods (e.g. flammable, poisonous, explosive), including paints or adhesives containing a flammable liquid, substances and material identified as ‘dangerous goods’ in any laws or regulations in Japan.
People or animals including Endangered Species or parts thereof; regulated plants (e.g. noxious weeds, plants, prohibited seeds)
Money; gift cards; lottery tickets; coins; travelers cheques; bank checks, promissory notes, stock certificates and other securities of any kind; platinum, gold or silver, manufactured or otherwise; jewels; other articles of high intrinsic value; or precious stones (all valuable natural mineral stone, silica or substances extracted from the group, whether in its natural state or refined, processed, set or treated)
・医療機器などの品質、有効性および安全性の確保などに関する法律における OTC 医薬品(要指導医薬品ではない OTC 医薬品であって、当該商品を販売した薬局または店舗から発送されるものを除く)疑義を避けるために付言すると、かかる商品は貴社の倉庫もしくは他の店舗から発送されてはならない。
OTC pharmaceuticals under the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, excluding OTC Pharmaceuticals which are not pharmaceuticals requiring guidance and are shipped from the pharmacies or your store which sold such items (for the avoidance of doubt, the items shall not be shipped directly from your warehouses or your other stores, etc.)
Ethical pharmaceuticals under the on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Designated substances under the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products
Any items for which Merchant does not have permission or license to sell and/or send
Documents which are difficult to replace (examination admission tickets, passports, vehicle inspection certificates, and other tickets)
Manuscripts, original drawings, tapes and film which cannot be reproduced
Parcels containing items, such as unsanitary items, which pose the risk of damaging other parcels
配達パートナーは、何らかの物品を持ち上げることが困難な場合には、Uber Eats の配送依頼をキャンセルすることができる。配達の最大サイズは次の指針のとおりである。
Delivery Partners may cancel an Uber Eats request if they have difficulty lifting any items. The following guidelines detail the maximum sizes for delivery:
Restricted items for 「Uber Direct」 Deliveries
Merchants may not send the following items:
・アルコール濃度 60% 以上(60%を含む)の物品(アルコール飲料、消毒用アルコールなど)
Items with alcohol concentration above 60% (inclusive), such as alcoholic beverages and disinfectant alcohol items
Alcohol beverages that will be delivered to another prefecture from the pickup location where Merchant does not have an appropriate license for such delivery
Weapons or explosives
Illegal items (items that are illegal to possess, transfer or sell), or regulated items unless expressly permitted
Hazardous materials/goods (e.g. flammable, poisonous, explosive), including paints or adhesives containing a flammable liquid, substances and material identified as ‘dangerous goods’ in any laws or regulations in Japan.
People or animals including Endangered Species or parts thereof; regulated plants (e.g. noxious weeds, plants, prohibited seeds)
Money; gift cards; lottery tickets; coins; travelers cheques; bank checks, promissory notes, stock certificates and other securities of any kind; platinum, gold or silver, manufactured or otherwise; jewels; other articles of high intrinsic value; or precious stones (all valuable natural mineral stone, silica or substances extracted from the group, whether in its natural state or refined, processed, set or treated)
・医療機器などの品質、有効性および安全性の確保などに関する法律における OTC 医薬品(要指導医薬品ではない OTC 医薬品であって、当該商品を販売した薬局または店舗から発送されるものを除く)疑義を避けるために付言すると、かかる商品は貴社の倉庫もしくは他の店舗から発送されてはならない。
OTC pharmaceuticals under the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, excluding OTC Pharmaceuticals which are not pharmaceuticals requiring guidance and are shipped from the pharmacies or your store which sold such items (for the avoidance of doubt, the items shall not be shipped directly from your warehouses or your other stores, etc.)
Ethical pharmaceuticals under the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, excluding Ethical pharmaceuticals which are prescription pharmaceuticals where Merchant has provided the Customer with drug usage instructions
Designated substances under the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products
Following prescription pharmaceuticals (excluding deleterious drugs and psychotropic drugs)
Pharmaceuticals that require special attention to maintain quality (including temperature control)
Pharmaceuticals that need to be administered urgently
Narcotics and precursor drugs for stimulants
Radiopharmaceuticals, poisonous substances, and other pharmaceuticals that require strict control in distribution
Pharmaceuticals that exceed 200,000 yen in billing amount to the patient in a single delivery order
Any items for which Merchant does not have permission or license to sell and/or send
Documents which are difficult to replace (examination admission tickets, passports, vehicle inspection certificates, and other tickets)
・合計 30 万円(税込)を超える物品を含む荷物
Parcels containing items totaling more than 300,000 JPY (tax included)
Manuscripts, original drawings, tapes and film which cannot be reproduced
Parcels containing items, such as unsanitary items, which pose the risk of damaging other parcels
配達パートナーは、何らかの物品を持ち上げることが困難な場合には、「Uber ダイレクト」 の配送依頼をキャンセルすることができる。配達の最大サイズは次の指針のとおりである。
Delivery Partners may cancel a 「Uber Direct」 request if they have difficulty lifting any items. The following guidelines detail the maximum sizes for delivery: