Uber Taxiが、アジアの玄関口であり、西日本の経済の中枢でもある福岡でご利用いただけるようになりましたのでお知らせします。本日より、お客さまはUberアプリ内タップ一つでタクシーをお呼びいただくことが可能です。Uber Taxiが九州エリアでご利用いただけるのは初めてとなります。


Uber Taxiは淡路島、名古屋、大阪、仙台、青森、郡山、広島、京都、福山でサービスを提供しており、今回の福岡がUber Taxiをご利用いただける10つ目の都市となります。


Uber Taxi launches in Fukuoka!
Excerpt: Partnering with 12 Taxi companies to provide technology driven taxi e-hail

We are excited to announce that Uber Taxi is now available in Fukuoka city, the the economic and cultural gateway to Japan’s Asian neighbors. Starting today, you can open the Uber app and request Uber Taxi in the city at the tap of the button. This is the first time Uber Taxi is available in the Kyushu area.

We are partnering with 12 Taxi companies in Fukuoka to pair Uber’s technology with the taxi companies’ experienced drivers to provide a convenient and seamless experience, including multiple payment options, the option to share your arrival time with friends and family, real time GPS tracking and spotlight.  

Fukuoka is the 10th Uber Taxi city launch. Uber Taxi is currently available in Awaji Island, Nagoya, Osaka, Sendai, Aomori, Koriyama, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Fukuyama and now Fukuoka.