

 Uber Japanモビリティ事業ゼネラルマネージャーのトム・ホワイトは、以下のように述べています。「兵庫県淡路島でタクシー会社・兵庫県淡路県民局との三者による実証実験を開始してからわずか数か月で、ここ名古屋において、フジタクシーグループ様と協業した公式なタクシー配車サービスの発表に至ったことを大変光栄に思います。日本はUberにとって重要な市場です。日本の大手タクシーグループの一つであるフジタクシーグループ様と手を組むことによって、料金の見積もりやキャッシュレスの支払い、GPS位置情報の共有といったテクノロジーを活用したサービスを経験豊かなドライバーが取り扱えるように、テクノロジーの導入をすすめていきます。今後、日本のさらに多くの都市でも同様のサービスを広められるよう取り組んでいきます。」



Uber Japan Join Forces with Fuji Taxi Group to Launch UberTaxi in Nagoya

Uber Japan is delighted to announce the launch of first UberTaxi product in Nagoya, offering convenient and seamless taxi rides in partnership with Fuji Taxi Group. Starting from today, citizens and visitors of Nagoya will be able request a taxi from Fuji Taxi via the Uber app at the tap of a button.

Founded in 1957, Fuji Taxi Group is an established taxi fleet company with over 60 years of experience, offering taxi services in Nagoya, Japan. As Uber is committed to partnering with local governments and taxi companies to serve the mobility needs of cities and citizens of Japan, this partnership strengthens Uber’s ongoing effort in pairing our technology with taxi partners and provide a mobility solution that allow users to get across cities efficiently and conveniently.

Tom White, General Manager of Mobility business for Uber Japan, said “In less than two months after our taxi pilot-launch in Awaji Island, I am incredibly honored that we are gathered here today to announce our first taxi partnership with Fuji Taxi Group in Nagoya. Japan is a priority market for Uber, and by joining forces with one of Nagoya’s largest taxi companies, we are pairing our technology with Fuji Taxi’s experienced drivers to facilitate a technology-driven mobility option that involves upfront fare estimates, cashless payment experience, and GPS location sharing. I look forward to expanding this service to more cities in Japan in the months to come.”

Hisashi Umemura, President of Fuji Taxi Group, commented “We are pleased to be partnering with leading technology company, Uber, to bring our taxis on board to offer rides to users of Uber as well as citizens and travellers of Nagoya. We are hopeful that through this partnership, our existing hundreds of taxi drivers will be able to benefit from the technology used in the app to better utilise our vehicles and enable a growing business.”