本日5月7日付で、平山 景子が Uber Japan の Head of Marketing に就任しました。今後は、日本におけるマーケティング部門を統括し、Uber Eats (ウーバーイーツ)事業およびモビリティ事業のマーケティングを強化して参ります。

平山景子(ひらやま けいこ)
慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業後、NTTドコモに入社。iモードの国際展開等に従事した後、カーネギーメロン大学にて経営学修士号を取得。Amazon Japan にて、モバイルサービスの企画・開発に携わる。2007年グーグル株式会社に入社し、モバイル、Chrome、YouTubeなどのマーケティングに従事する傍ら、テクノロジーにより女性が直面する問題の解決を目指すWomenwillプロジェクト等のソーシャル活動に携わる。2015年より同社のリサーチ&ブランドマーケティング統括部長として活躍。


We are delighted to announce that Keiko Hirayama has joined today as the Head of Marketing, Japan.

Keiko is a seasoned marketing expert bringing 11 years of experience in brand marketing at companies like Google Japan. At Google, Keiko joined as one of the original members of the Japan Marketing team, where she was responsible for various consumer products such as Search, YouTube, Chrome browser and recently Assistant. She also led the brand marketing function and helped Google to be ranked as the #1 consumer brand several times including this year. Before Google, Keiko engaged in the planning and development of mobile services in Amazon and was involved in the development of i-mode globally at NTT Docomo.

Besides her work, she has launched a social project to empower female workers as well as to help Japanese companies to change their workstyle from work hard to work smart. She has also organized the female co-workers network as the chairperson of the Japan chapter and executed several internal events.

I am confident that Keiko will bring new and exciting momentum to Rides and Eats as she steps in to lead the marketing efforts to build a best in class brand for Uber Japan.

Raj and Brooks