English after Japanese

〜Uber のアプリでタクシーの配車が可能になり、

Uber は、この度、兵庫県淡路島においてタクシー会社・兵庫県淡路県民局との三者による日本初*となる実証実験の契約を締結しました。これにより、国内外からの訪問客を始め住民の方も淡路島内で Uber の配車アプリを利用して地元のタクシーを配車することができるようになります。

淡路島では、高速バスや関空・洲本航路等の高速艇を使った来島者に対する二次交通の充実が求められてます。本実証実験は、2018年2月に兵庫県や地元関係者が中心になって策定した「淡路島総合観光戦略」を推進するうえで、淡路島内の交通環境のさらなる充実を図ることを目指した施策の一環として実施します。Uber のスマートフォン向け配車アプリは、世界 600 以上の都市で約 50 の言語で利用されており、本実証実験で利用者は淡路島で自分の母国語で目的地を指定し、地元のタクシーを配車することが出来るようになります。言葉に不慣れな旅行者や土地勘の無い来島者が島内をより簡単に移動する、新たな手段となります。


  1. 配車区域 原則として淡路島内での乗降車(島内から乗車し島外での降車は可)
  2. 実証実験期間 今夏~ 2019年3月31日
  3. タクシー事業者  淡路島内タクシー事業者から公募
  4. 利用対象者 観光客を含む来島者全般および淡路地域住民を含む全て

配車の流れとUber 配車アプリの特長

  • Uber の配車アプリをスマートフォンにダウンロードし設定します
  • 利用者は、自分のスマートフォンで設定している言語でアプリの利用が可能です
  • アプリから配車位置(現在地や指定位置)まで地元タクシーを配車します。現在地はGPSにより自動的に表示されます
  • 配車が確定したタクシーのドライバーや車輌番号、想定配車料金、到着予定時刻が事前にわかルため安心して利用できます
  • 行先や降車位置は、利用者がマップ上で配車時にアプリ内で指定。乗車時に運転手との余計なやりとりは発生しません
  • 移動中も現在位置をマップ上にリアルタイムで表示。土地勘がない方も安心して乗車できます
  • 運賃支払いは、アプリを通じてクレジットカードで精算。現金でのやりとりが発生しません
  • 領収書は、降車後に利用者の登録メールに送付されるため失くす心配はありません

明石•淡路島の選出の 西村康稔議員(現内閣官房副長官)は次のように述べています。

淡路県民局長 吉村文章氏は次のように述べています。


Uber のインターナショナル チーフビジネスオフィサー ブルックス・エントウィッスル (Brooks Entwistle )は次のように述べています。

「 Uber のテクノロジーが、淡路島の交通環境のさらなる充実に寄与できることを大変嬉しく思っています。地元のタクシー会社や県民局の皆様と共に、力を合わせてこの日本初となる取り組みを拡充していきたいと思います。


淡路島での uberTAXI 配車イメージ






画像は https://uber.box.com/v/uberTAXI-Awaji からダウンロードいただけます。




Uber Partners with Taxi Companies and the Local Government on Awaji Island to launch the First Taxi Pilot Program

Enables Riders in Awaji Island to request taxis through the Uber app

[AWAJI, 22 May 2018] Uber has reached an agreement with both Awaji Island-based Hyogo Prefecture taxi companies as well as the Awaji District Administration Office to conduct its first taxi pilot program in Japan. This trilateral endeavor will allow both international and domestic tourists, along with the residents of Awaji Island, to use the Uber app to request local taxis, at the push of a button.

As a part of Awaji’s comprehensive tourism strategy, Uber will launch uberTAXI on its app to provide Awaji residents as well as tourists and visitors with reliable and safe transportation to their destination, including many of the local tourist attractions.. The pilot is part of a joint effort that was planned in February with the Hyogo Prefectural Government and local stakeholders to promote tourism in Awaji Island, launching this summer, as the local transit option until March 2019.

The Uber app is used in more than 600 cities around the world and is supported by more than 50 different languages. Uber app users will be able to request a ride by selecting uberTAXI to travel around Awaji Island with the convenience of using their own language setting on the app. Visitors to Awaji Island will now have a new means of navigating the island with the confidence of using a familiar language, and globally recognised technology, to locations that were previously difficult to reach.  

“We’re thrilled to implement this first of its kind pilot program in Japan, on Awaji Island, which according to historical articles was the first island created in the Japanese archipeligo,” said Yasutoshi Nishimura, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary who has been instrumental in promoting the economic revitalization of Awaji Island and nearby Akashi. “It is with great hope that this innovative endeavor will help support the economic growth of Awaji Island.”

“It’s tremendously pleasing to see Awaji, “The Island of Beginnings,” be able to run the first taxi pilot program in Japan to implement cutting-edge technology used around the world,” said Fumiaki Yoshimura, Executive Director General at Awaji District Administration Office . “I’m looking forward to seeing how this pilot program can help more people from metropolitan areas and overseas to experience Awaji Island’s rich history and the charm of its culture, food, and nature.”

Speaking on the partnership, Mr. Brooks Entwistle, Uber’s Chief Business Officer, International, said, “I’m very excited that Uber’s technology will contribute to further enhancing the transit environment of Awaji Island. As we join forces with local taxi companies and the Awaji district administration office, we will work together to enrich the product offerings of what will be the first initiative of its kind in Japan to meet the local needs.”

About Awaji Island

Awaji Island is located about an hour from Osaka and Kobe, which are in the heart of the Kansai (Western Japan) region. The island is linked to Japan’s main province, Honshu via the Akashi Kaikyo Ohashi Bridge, which boasts the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world and is also connected to the Shikoku province via the Onaruto bridge.

According to the “Kojiki”, a collection of myths concerning the origins of the Japanese islands and the oldest historical chronicle of Japan, Awaji was “the first island“ created. It was also called “Miketsukuni” since ancient times because of the important role that it played supplying food to the imperial Court. Awaji Island is blessed with a variety of resources, including a rich history, culture, specialty foods and a natural environment that have made it a popular tourist destination. The island attracts many visitors each year with its hot springs, the whirlpools of the Naruto channels, and ‘Awaji Ningyo Joruri’, a traditional performance art with a 500-year history. The island is also preparing to register as a world heritage site.

For more information please refer to the “Tour Guide of Awaji Island “Awaji Navi” website: https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/