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Microtransit, powered by Uber

Improving your riders’ experience is now easier than ever. With microtransit, you can grow your operations using Uber technology, flex your fleet with vehicles on the Uber platform, or both.

“This is a real game changer, particularly in rural America. We provide a significant number of our trips to non-ambulatory individuals. It’s really opened a lot of doors.”

Kendra McGeady, Director of Transit, Pelivan Transit

Microtransit scales to fit your needs

Microtransit service uses transportation technology to expand your offering with less overhead costs. Depending on your goals, these partnerships can come to life in a few different ways.

Option 1: Pair Uber technology with your fleet

Lower operational costs, more efficient routes, on-demand booking: these are the foundation of our technology partnerships. From general to paratransit services, you can use Uber’s demand prediction, ride matching, pricing, routing, and payment technologies with your own fleet and drivers.

Option 2: Leverage Uber’s network of vehicles

Make it convenient for everyone to get around, no matter where they live or work. We expand your fleet with Uber’s network of vehicles and drivers to enhance your fixed routes with services like first-mile/last-mile programs, on-demand booking, and flexible transit zones.

Option 3: Get the most out of Uber’s platform with a hybrid model

​​Whether you’re looking to supplement busy routes during peak hours, satisfy demand during outages, or cover a larger transit zone for communities in need, you can incorporate our leading technology plus Uber’s network of vehicles and drivers into your service offering.

Plus, feature your agency’s services in the Uber app

Make it convenient for current riders to use your services and easy for new riders to discover you by showing up in the Uber app. Since many people already have Uber on their iPhone or Android, you’ll always be at your customers’ fingertips.

একসঙ্গে চলা শুরু করতে আপনার সংস্থা সম্পর্কে আমাদের একটু বলুন৷