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Data / ML

Uber Freight Carrier Metrics with Near-Real-Time Analytics

25 de agosto de 2022 / Global
Featured image for Uber Freight Carrier Metrics with Near-Real-Time Analytics
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Ujwala Tulshigiri

Ujwala Tulshigiri

Ujwala Tulshigiri is an Engineering Manager on the Real-time Analytics team within the Uber Data Org. She leads a team that builds a self-served, reliable, and scalable real-time analytics platform based on Apache Pinot and Presto to power various business critical use cases and real-time dashboards at Uber.

Yeqing Lu

Yeqing Lu

Yeqing Lu now supports the Machine Learning platform (Michelangelo) team, but was formerly a Software Engineer on the Uber Freight Data Platform team. He has been working with the team to build tools to support model retraining, evaluation, experimentation, and performance monitoring.

Ting Chen

Ting Chen

Ting Chen is a Software Engineer on Uber’s Data team. He is a Tech Lead on the Stream Analytics team whose mission is to provide fast and reliable real-time insights to Uber products and customers. Ting is an Apache Pinot committer.

Branden Colen

Branden Colen

Branden Colen was formerly a Software Engineer on the Uber Freight Data Platform team. The team focuses on providing reliable data warehousing and data API solutions for uses both internally by other teams and to be shared externally to our customers.

Publicado por Ujwala Tulshigiri, Yeqing Lu, Ting Chen, Branden Colen
