• In time for Mercury Retrograde, Uber releases its second annual Uber Lost & Found Index – a snapshot of riders’ most commonly lost and most surprising forgotten items
  • Phones and wallets top the list of most forgotten items in Ubers in Singapore, but wedding outfits, Star Wars memorabilia, and e-scooters have also been reported as lost
  • Riders in Singapore report lost items the most during Fridays and Saturdays, with 11am being the most forgetful time 

Coinciding with the upcoming Mercury Retrograde, the time of the year generally believed to spur bouts of forgetfulness, Uber releases the second installment of its annual Lost and Found Index. The Index features findings about the most fascinating forgotten items, the most forgetful cities, as well as the days of the week and times of the year Uber riders tend to report items as lost.

Over the past year, phones, wallets, and bags top the list of items left the most in Ubers in Singapore, together with eyewear, laptop and jewelry rounding up the top ten. But riders aren’t just leaving the usuals– everything from wedding outfits to luxury goods, to lightsabers and Star Wars memorabilia, have been reported as lost.

10 Most Frequently Forgotten Items in Ubers

  1. Phone
  2. Wallet
  3. Bag
  4. keys / key cards / locks
  5. Eyewear
  6. ID / license / passport
  7. Clothing
  8. Bottle
  9. Jewelry
  10. Laptop

10 Most Unique (Outrageous) Items Forgotten in Ubers

  1. Wedding gown
  2. E-scooter
  3. American Football
  4. Tickets to Night Safari
  5. Purple dildo
  6. Pokemon Go Plus
  7. Silver wedding band
  8. Star Wars Lightsaber 
  9. Montblanc Meisterstück fountain pen in black case
  10. Spider-man mask

Most Common Days of the Week to Report Items as Lost: Fridays and Saturdays

Most popular times of day to lose items: 11:00am

The most forgetful date: 17 June

We’ve all been there: that moment of panic when you first realize you’ve misplaced an important, or even sentimental, personal item. If you’re one of those people who forgot something in an Uber, look no further than this video, which outlines the simple steps you can take the next time you think you’ve left something behind.