How do you want to start with Uber?
How nice that you are interested in driving via the Uber platform! We are happy to help you on your way.
Check whether you meet the requirements below to get started, or how would you like to complete the trips – by being just a driver or maybe a partner itself?
(I) Driver under a fleet partner
(II) Start as independent driver
(III) Start as fleet partner
More information regarding each type of earning on the platform, you can check in the presentation, specially prepared in 3 languages.
(I) Drive under a fleet partner
This is the person who has a partnership with the fleet partner, the owner of the taxi license and vehicles, and agrees payment terms with their fleet partner.
- Only personal documents required
- Drive someone else’s vehicle or in your own
- Payment options via your fleet partner (e.g. salary or fixed fee)
What do you need?
- Fleet partner with taxi permit and vehicle
- Polish driving license
- ID document/passport/residence permit (with the note ‘Access to the labour market’)
- Criminal record document
(II) Start as independent driver
This is a person who owns their own business and taxi license, with the intention of driving independently under their own license without partnering with other drivers.
- Choose when and where you want to drive
- Arrange your own vehicle
- Only pay commission on the trips you completed
What do you need?
- Taxi license and own company
- Business document and bank statement
- Own vehicle
- ID document/passport/residence permit (with the note ‘Access to the labour market’)
- Polish driving license
- Criminal record document
(III) Start as fleet partner
Fleet Partners are business owners who, once registered as an Uber partner, can make their fleet available to multiple other drivers.
- Own fleet of vehicles
- Pay commission on trips made and arrange payment yourself with your drivers
What do you need?
- Taxi license and own company
- Business document and bank statement
- Own vehicle
- ID document/passport/residence permit (with the note ‘Access to the labour market’)
- Polish driving license (In case you want to drive)
- Criminal record document (in case you want to drive)
Simplify travel expenses for your business
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