Supporting Pakistan

Written byUber Team

The devastating flooding in Pakistan is a tragic humanitarian crisis that has impacted tens of millions of people. All parts of Pakistan have been affected, with most of the destruction in rural areas and small towns.

Our thoughts are with our employees, earners, and the Pakistani community as a whole, who are going through this extraordinary crisis.

Uber has a large community of Pakistani earners in markets across the world, and as the situation continues to develop, we are joining the international community’s response to take actions to support the country, ensuring our efforts have the most impact possible.

Through Uber Social Impact, we will donate USD 500,000 to the World Food Programme and Unicef to support relief efforts in Pakistan (and in Bangladesh and India, which have also been impacted by floods).

We will continue to monitor the situation, and increase our support wherever and however we can.

If you would like to donate to Pakistan directly, we encourage you to donate to the Pakistan Appeal, organised by the World Food Programme.