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Asking your Customers to Cancel

September 9, 2024 / Mexico

You play a critical role in ensuring that your riders have a smooth and enjoyable experience on the Uber platform. You always have the choice to accept, reject or cancel a trip at any time for any reason (other than discrimination). However, asking riders to cancel trips after accepting them will likely frustrate your riders and may result in losing access to the Uber rides marketplace. 

When do these Cancellations Occur?

These occur when a driver asks a rider to cancel a trip instead of canceling it themselves. This also includes instances where drivers deliberately head in the wrong direction or intentionally make no progress at all toward the pick-up location to encourage their riders to cancel. Drivers might do this for various reasons, such as if the trip is inconvenient for them, or to collect cancellation fees.

Types of Problematic Cancellation Behavior and their Impact

  • Using chat or phone to persuade riders to cancel a matched trip. If you need to cancel a trip, this will need to be done yourself through the app.
  • Intentionally not making progress to the pick-up location or heading in the wrong direction to force your rider to cancel

If Uber determines you have deliberately tried to get your rider to cancel a trip, a banner may be displayed on your profile, visible only to you, providing information about this behavior. Repeated instances of this behavior may result in your loss of access to the Uber platform for manipulating the marketplace, because that is contrary to the terms of your agreement(s) with Uber.

The Uber rides marketplace is designed to link drivers and riders together. In order for the marketplace to function properly, all users must act honestly and in good faith. When a driver effectively forces a rider to cancel, rather than just choosing to cancel the ride themself, the marketplace does not run as it should. 

Additionally, the rider may be charged a cancellation fee—and the driver collects that fee—which is not fair to the rider since they did not voluntarily cancel the trip.

More details

There may be instances where you need to cancel a ride at the pickup location, such as when a ride is requested for a minor, if the rider did not bring a car seat, or if the rider has luggage that doesn’t fit in your vehicle. If you believe you are entitled to a cancellation fee in these cases, please contact Support. 

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