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Uber AI, Backend, Engineering, Mobile

Uber’s Real-Time Document Check

June 9, 2022 / Global
Featured image for Uber’s Real-Time Document Check
Figure 1: Diagram on Uber’s Real Time Document Check functionality.
Figure 2: Example of ML model checking image quality.
*PII has been obscured for privacy purposes.
Figure 3: Diagram on client-side image evaluation functionality.
Figure 4: Example of document scanning in manual mode.
Figure 5: Example user experience progression from the first and the fourth UI implementation.
Brian Zhang

Brian Zhang

Brian Zhang is a Staff Software Engineer at Uber working on Safety & Identity related projects since 2016.

Flavia Rangel

Flavia Rangel

Flavia Rangel is a Senior Software Engineer at Uber working on the Identity Verification project since its nascency. She is the first woman to represent and help build the São Paulo Tech Center engineering team.

Martin Norris

Martin Norris

Martin Norris is a Staff Software Engineer working on Identity Verification providing active verification flows for platform users at the São Paulo Tech Center in Brazil.

Himaanshu Gupta

Himaanshu Gupta

Himaanshu Gupta is a Senior Engineering Manager at Uber AI, leading a group working on delivering innovative AI solutions for Uber’s core business problems across computer vision, geospatial AI, and marketplace optimization areas.

Aarti Daryanani

Aarti Daryanani

Aarti Daryanani is a Product Manager for Safe Identity, working on products like Social Verification, Rider Selfies, and Real-Time time Document Check since 2018.

Felipe Figueiredo

Felipe Figueiredo

Felipe Figueiredo is a Senior Software Engineer at Uber who has been working on the Identity Verification Mobile Platform and Uber's Camera library since 2019.

Xuewen Zhang

Xuewen Zhang

Xuewen Zhang is a Computer Vision Engineer at Uber AI, working on automated document transcription since 2019.

Posted by Brian Zhang, Flavia Rangel, Martin Norris, Himaanshu Gupta, Aarti Daryanani, Felipe Figueiredo, Xuewen Zhang