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Enhancing the Quality of Uber’s Maps with Metrics Computation

12 July 2018 / Global
Featured image for Enhancing the Quality of Uber’s Maps with Metrics Computation
Figure 1: The Uber Map Model is a data structure made up of features and attributes.
 Requirements of Uber’s map quality computation system:
Figure 2: On this map, GPS traces that match roads are shown in blue, while GPS traces that do not match a road are shown in red.
Figure 3: In this example, our map suggests a route, but drivers, responding to turn restrictions, must take a different route.
Figure 4: Refining access points is composed of three main steps: identify actual pick-up and drop-off locations used by drivers for a place or address (left), compute the distances from those locations to the place or address (middle), and then set the preferred access point based on the shortest distance (right).
Figure 5: We define geographical areas as S2 cells and use those cells to build data sets which we can process for map quality.
Figure 6: Using map data and geographical regions as inputs, our metrics computation system partitions the data onto S2 cells, then uses those cells to compute its metrics.
Figure 7: As roads and other map features change, our metrics computation system works to continuously keep our metrics up-to-date, ultimately delivering a better user experience on the rider and driver apps.
Ines Viskic

Ines Viskic

Ines Viskic is a senior software developer on the Maps team at Uber and has, along with her colleagues on Uber’s MapQuality team, developed the metrics computation framework outlined in this article. She holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from University of California, Irvine.

Posted by Ines Viskic
