Way-O, Way-O! We’re on our Way-O!

Cricket World Cup 2019, one of the most awaited sporting events of the year is just around the corner and Uber has some great news in store for cricket lovers across the globe.

Uber has announced a key partnership with The International Cricket Council, to sponsor the ICC Men’s World Cup 2019, which will be watched by an estimated 1.5 billion passionate sports fans to cheer on their favorite teams. Year after year, these ardent fans await the tournament. However, amidst the thrill of the game, the action and the hype, fans are left as mere spectators. This year, Uber’s global partnership campaign ‘Every Fan is a Winner’, puts fans at the heart of the celebration by giving them a voice, a chance to be heard and to be a part of the action!

Way-O, Way-O, the World Cup’s first ever signature anthem exemplifies the excitement of cricket lovers by giving them ONE unified voice to spread cheer and thereby bring fans closer together for the game they love. Uber aims to bring alive the love for the sport that transcends the love for their favorite team, fostering solidarity and togetherness.

The anthem is written by Sonal Dabral (Ogilvy) and curated by Composer Michael (Mikey) McCleary. It is sung by acclaimed artists across countries, featuring singers from India (SANAM – The band), Jamaica (Jahmiel), UK (Catherine Taylor Dawson), New Zealand (Simba Diallo) and South Africa (choir group – Khayelitsha United Mambazo). It aims to strike a chord with the emotions that fans feel during the World Cup. We at Uber, are confident that the anthem will emerge as a strong symbol of cultural togetherness!

Like Cricket, Uber and Uber Eats have become a huge part of people’s lives across the world. Leveraging our association with ICC, Uber will host a series of activities for its community of  riders, eaters, drivers and delivery partners. What’s more? Hundreds of Uber driver and courier partners as well as our consumers will be flown to stadiums in England & Wales to experience first hand the World Cup’s spirit of celebration.

This World Cup, let stadiums reverberate to the sound of unity, joy and exhilaration!

Let the Games begin!