
One in 4 people are late for weddings, and even more for concerts!

Over 70 per cent of people have missed, or have been very late to important events due to local parking problems.

According to an Uber commissioned survey in Hong Kong this summer, one in four people are late for weddings, job interviews and doctor’s appointments. Over one-third of people are late for concerts, which topped the list of missed events.

Moreover, the survey found that two-thirds of car owners spend more than 30 minutes a day being stuck in traffic. That translated into a waste of six precious days in one year.

The survey is part of Uber’s initiative to find out the general public’s opinions on car ownership, ridesharing and on driving and parking in the city. More than 1,000 people between age 18 and 65 responded to the survey online.

Some 70% of car owners in Hong Kong think that the worst hassle with owning a car is the trouble of finding a parking spot. Because of the insufficient and expensive parking spaces, the survey also found that only 28% of the non-car owners in Hong Kong are considering buying one.

Especially amongst youngsters (age 18 to 34), two-third said they really like ridesharing. Even more (69%) youngsters say they like Uber.

To sum up the survey, as many as 71% of the inhabitants Hong Kong would consider not owning a car if the parking situation does not improve.