The season of giving has arrived, and Uber Toronto is here to add to the festive fun! Over the next few weeks, we’ve partnered with various companies throughout the city to fill Uber cars with a special something, just to make you smile!

Every Friday between 7 AM – 7PM when you request an Uber ride, there is a good chance that you’ll be surprised with a treat…from us, to you!

Whether it’s a free gift from our friends at Giftagram, a free clean before the holidays from Helpling, a new pair of shoes from SHOEme OR a Christmas delicacy to get you in the spirit… we’ve got your hook-ups ready to send your way.

1. Open your app on Fridays between 7AM – 7PM
2. Request your Uber as per usual
3. Prepare to be surprised and delighted within minutes!

Did #UberFridays make you smile? Make sure to snap a photo while riding with your treat and send us a tweet with the hashtag #UberFridays to share the Uber love!

Interested in being a partner for #UberFridays? Reach out to [email protected] to chat about how we can help get your product or service into an Uber soon!