Will City Council allow Uber to stay in Toronto? It all comes down to tomorrow’s vote.

In lead up to Toronto Council’s vote on ridesharing, we launched a campaign asking you, the people of Toronto, to share your own story of how ridesharing is building a better Toronto.

And that’s exactly what you did.

Over the past 5 weeks, Torontonians have engaged City Council in extraordinary ways:

  • Over 110 local restaurants signed a letter explaining how ridesharing–through UberEATS–keeps their business alive and thriving by providing an innovative food delivery system
  • Leaders in the accessibility community expressed how ridesharing makes Toronto a more equal city; with options like uberWAV and uberASSIST for riders and by providing important earning opportunities for those that are hearing impaired
  • Over 100 of Toronto’s leading innovators and entrepreneurs signed a letter explaining how this vote will have an impact on Toronto’s reputation as a city that embraces innovation
  • Thousands of Toronto’s Uber riders and driver-partners have contacted their councillors to share their personal stories of how Uber is making their lives better

We greatly appreciate your time and dedication to making Toronto a better place for all to live.

Did City Council Hear You?

With the vote tomorrow, the only remaining question is: Did your City Councillor hear you?

You still have time to make sure your councillor supports smart ridesharing regulations:

Make a call





Thank you for speaking up and for your continued support.