In celebration of pride this weekend, we reached out to our Toronto partners and team to share their stories and messages of how Love Moves Us and what Pride means to them.

Liz, UberEATS Team Lead

“For me, pride is ever-evolving. When I was younger, before I came out, pride was just sticking a rainbow pin on my bag and calling myself an ally. But now pride is honesty, it’s not being afraid to be who I am, and it’s being out and happy with myself.

I was lucky to grow up in an accepting family, my parents never cared who I dated, but not everyone has that. Not everyone has someone to tell them that being who they are is okay–and that makes Pride important. It makes people coming out important, it makes celebrities and companies and politicians saying, “Hey, you are loved and accepted just for being you” important, because there’s still people out there who haven’t heard anything like that and need to.”

Alvin, UberEATS Expert

“Pride means being comfortable in my own skin. It means to be able to go confidently through life and seize the day regardless of what society may impose on me. It also means knowing my self-worth and never letting anyone bring me down because of my sexual orientation.

My advice to people that are hesitant about coming out of the closet; the grass is definitely greener on the other side. Life becomes a thousand times better when you can freely express yourself. It is a life full of light and happiness after a long period of darkness and sadness. Coming out of the closet is probably one of the most enlightening experiences someone can go through.”

Jordan, BareburgerTO an UberEATS Partner

“Coming out as queer was one thing, I was fearless. Coming out as Trans however, was the scariest thing I ever did. I was paralyzed with doubt; with the fear that since I didn’t pass as my preferred gender, I wasn’t good enough to call myself one. I felt like an alien. I came out slowly, making demands of no one. By chance, one of the few friends I came out to visited my work, addressing me using my preferred pronouns. After politely asking my preference, my colleagues began addressing me with the proper pronouns. From that point, without question, it was understood that THAT was who I was. It invigorated me…it felt amazing to be my authentic self and to be seen as the person I always knew I was. Giving me a strength and confidence I didn’t know I needed. Now I’m out to everyone and on my journey to being the happiest I’ve ever been.”

“Being able to celebrate Pride means to be part of the evolution of social civilization and unity. Respect + Trust + Friendship = Love and #LoveMovesUs through life”
– Giorgi, Driver-Partner

“Being proud of who you are goes beyond sexual orientation. Knowing yourself, embracing yourself, and taking pride of who you are, these are ultimate goals that humans owe it to themselves. Be a fierce soldier of your own truth, follow your heart in every decision you take, respect the limit of your freedom; and always remember: “Never doubt yourself. Be Proud of Who You Are.”
– Alban, Driver-Partner

“Love is a work in progress, always adapting and always changing, but always constant.”
– Robert, Driver-Partner

“Love inspires and motivates to accomplish dreams.”
– Marc, Driver-Partner

“#LoveMovesUs in being grateful for appreciating and really living in the present moment. I do this by also sharing tips and benefits of Meditation. May we all find Authentic, true, universal Peace, Love and Happiness from me to you friends.”
– Warren, Driver-Partner

“Pride to me is an expression of many facets. As I got ready to enjoy everyone who was going to be in my car during this month , I actually felt, wow, a month of just being me! I’m a straight girl , with a larger than life personality, and the human race fascinates me. I believe we were all created uniquely and beautifully. Enjoy the moments, enjoy the people who you meet, because everyone comes into your life for a reason. I wish everyone a Happy Pride!! Make lots of memories.”
– Esther, Driver-Partner