Have you ever wondered who the friendly-face in your driver’s seat is outside of the car? Meet Gisele, a retiree with a great dry wit, who love cats and genealogy.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a 70-year-old grandmother of three boys. I’ve worked my whole life as a mental health care provider, helping families living with someone who has a mental illness. Since 2013, I’ve been a homeopath specialized in animals. I even have 4 cats at home!

At age 43, I discovered that I’m an adopted child. This developed my passion for genealogy research and I’m currently writing my autobiography!

Why did you decide to partner with Uber?

Without Uber, I could not afford to butter my toast. I lost my job at the age of 68. It was a very difficult situation for me, and it took me over a year to get back on my feet and begin looking for a new job. I sent one hundred resumes to find a position in my sector, but nothing worked out.

Uber was often mentioned in the media and I saw it as a new opportunity for me, although I was initially afraid Uber would judge me for being too old (laughs)! I love driving, and I’m a good listener from having worked in the health industry for 20 years.

When do you drive?

Early in the morning on weekdays, 7:30 am is my time. I’m on the road until 3pm and I always take a good break for lunch. Since I started in October, I’ve been driving about 25–30 hours a week. I try to reach a financial goal that allows me to breathe and have a little fun.


Why do you enjoy driving with Uber?

I am a friendly person with a good sense of humour, and I like to make my riders laugh. They tell me a little bit about their lives, as though we are friends, and sometimes I cheer them up. When I drive the same people twice, they are really happy to see me. The days pass by so fast, I really enjoy it!

I love driving, I feel like a tourist who discovers my own city. At my age, being able to meet all these dynamic young people makes me feel so good. They give me a lot of energy!

I also like to break the misconception that people might have when they see a white-haired woman behind the wheel: I am a very good driver!

What would you say to other females who are interested in driving with Uber?

I would just tell them, “Come on, try it!”. Driving with Uber is a gift to yourself; you’re the boss. You will not be able to help but love the experience if you are looking for a pleasant and rewarding job.

My three daughters were afraid for me at first, until I explained why Uber is safe. By no cash being exchanged and the ability to know who’s on board, it’s the best you can get from a security perspective, both on the driver and rider side.

If you’re like me and can relate to my story, do not stay at home feeling blue or sad. With Uber, you get to leave the house and be busy, which helps clear your head. It’s the recipe for happiness when you’re in a dark place!

Want to join Gisele, and our community of female driver-partners? Sign up to drive here.
