Across November, thousands of Uber riders and driver-partners in Brisbane and the Gold Coast worked together to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital Foundation, as part of the Channel Nine Telethon.

The Children’s Hospital Foundation funds vital research, new equipment and provides entertainment, care and support for sick kids and their families.

Through in car donations, we were able to contribute $10,273 towards the Foundation’s fundraising goal of $11 million. On the night of the Telethon, Uber provided free rides for staff, volunteers, special guests and celebs.

None of this would have been possible without the generous contribution of driver-partners across Queensland, who inspired their riders to donate to the cause. Many driver-partners chose to donate their own money, such as Aravind, who personally donated over $2,000.

Thank you to every rider and driver-partner who contributed. Your donation will have a positive impact on children and families for years to come.

To donate to the Children’s Hospital Foundation – visit here.