Last week, tens of thousands of riders chose Uber as a safe, reliable and affordable way to get to the track and around the city. In cities across Australia, we saw the number of trips plummet right before 3pm on Melbourne Cup day. The chart below makes it official, the Melbourne Cup is the race that stops a nation. 


We are proud to partner with over 6000 drivers who are able to help people get around when it’s busy. Last week we encouraged them to get on the road each race day. As you can see below, more driver partners were available on Derby Day than on an average Saturday.


Despite being one of the busiest weeks of the year, having these extra drivers online meant you could expect a ride in less than 4 minutes on average. So while thousands of racegoers tried their luck at the track this Spring Carnival, there was one sure thing: a safe and reliable ride with Uber was just minutes away.

As always, we thank our incredible driver partners who #KeepMelbourneMoving not only during race week, but every week.