Whether it’s helping us get to work, providing a ride to the city or simply taking us to the places we love to hang, our driver-partners are helping transform the way our cities move.

That’s why this week, we’re letting them take the wheel behind our Instagram account to share the places and parts of their cities they love the most.

From little known city vistas, to an alternative take on an iconic landmark and new neighbourhoods waiting to be explored, join us for the ride as we celebrate the people and places that make our cities great.

Learn more about the photographers below.

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“I love how… fluid the city can be. From dead quiet and so peaceful in the morning, to a Friday evening hustle-and-bustle, there’s always something going on in Melbourne. But if there isn’t… then that’s not a problem at all.”

Sunny, Melbourne


“I love seeing Adelaide evolve yet somehow a lot of things never seem to change. The beaches, The foothills are always there waiting for you like an old best friend!”

Sven, Adelaide

Jane McCormack - Balmoral

“The harbour, the beaches… Sydney is one of the most naturally stunning cities in the world. I never get tired of the swims, the views, the beautiful walks, the parks – it makes my day, every day.”

Jane, Sydney

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“What I love the most about Brisbane is watching it grow from a small, young, concrete jungle, into an increasingly colourful, vibrant and cultured city. I love hearing the names of new cafés to eat at, hidden places to have a drink in and exciting places to visit.”

Josiah, Brisbane

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“The fact that is is easy to get around, has so many amazing bars and restaurants and there’s never a dull moment with so many festivals and events to keep you busy. When you go out you are always going to bump into someone you know so it is never lonely or boring.”

Dougal, Adelaide