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Building Check-In Queuing & Appointment Scheduling for In-Person Support at Uber

28March,2018 / Global
Featured image for Building Check-In Queuing & Appointment Scheduling for In-Person Support at Uber
Figure 1: In GLHs, monitors notify users when they have been paired with an expert.
Figure 2: Our in-person support architecture leverages front-end WebSocket connections to the host that owns the specific GLH. Requests from the GLH expert front-end and mobile client in the active data center go through Ringpop and are sharded to the host that owns the given GLH. Requests from the inactive data center are redirected to the active data center. In-person support-related data is stored in Schemaless, Uber’s internal datastore.
Figure 3: Our in-person support appointment scheduling flow makes it easy for partners to schedule appointments at our Greenlight Hubs.Figure 4: Partners receive check-in notifications in the Uber Partner app when they reach Greenlight Hubs for their appointments.
Figure 5: The calendar UI for GLH managers specifies how many experts are available at a specific site during any given time block.
Oscar Wang

Oscar Wang

Oscar Wang is a software engineer on Uber's Customer Obsession Engineering team.

Posted by Oscar Wang
