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Cómo manejar con Uber

Es muy fácil
¡Hay muchos socios que ya están ganado con Uber! Tu puedes ser uno de ellos si completas ciertos requisitos muy sencillos.

Minimum requirements

Most people can drive with Uber, even if you don't have a car or commercial permit. There are a few minimum requirements:


  • Be 18+ years old
  • Watch a short training video

Required documents

Before hitting the road, share the documentation below:


  • Valid driver license
  • Vehicle picture with license plate
  • Proof of vehicle insurance
  • Profile photo

Driver screening

If you plan on being behind the wheel, take a few minutes to complete a screening online. It includes a quick psychometric exam and revision of your driving record and criminal history.

Vehicle requirements

You vehicle must meet the following requirements:


  • Vehículo con máximo 10 años de antigüedad
  • At least 4 doors
  • At least 4 passenger seats with seat belts
  • Air Conditioning
Hit the road

It's easy to get started

1. Sign up online

Tell us about yourself and your car, if you have one. If you don’t, we’ll help you contact partners looking for drivers like you.

2. Share some documents

We’ll need a copy of your driver's license. You can also complete the background check online.

3. Activate your account

Once you complete all requirements and your account has been activated, download the app to start driving and begin earning money!

Ready to make money?

The first step is to sign up