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Safer communities

Through partnerships with leading organizations, we’re helping to make driving safer and prevent incidents on the road.

Putting a stop to human trafficking

When it comes to global problems like human trafficking, we’re committed to doing our part.

As a company that specializes in movement, we want to do our part to help end the transportation of trafficked people.

A partnership to protect children

We’re proud to partner with ECPAT, a leading policy organization seeking to end the commercial, sexual exploitation of children through awareness, advocacy, policy, and legislation.

Drivers making a difference

Everyone who signs up to drive is educated on the warning signs of human trafficking.

Ending sexual assault and domestic violence

We’re using Uber’s scope and visibility to help promote awareness, education, and prevention of sexual assault and domestic violence for millions around the world.

Looking toward a brighter future

Efforts have been set in motion, such as global listening tours, an internal speaker series, and employee volunteerism.

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