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Vehicles in Switzerland

Vehicle options in your country


Most 4-door sedans qualify to drive with UberX, the most popular vehicle option for riders. Vehicles must be registered as a "professional passegener transport" vehicle, and be able to seat 4 riders, in addition to the driver.

Uber Van

On Van, you also receive UberX and Black rides. Seat extra passengers—and get higher fares—with your high-capacity vehicle. They must seat at least 6 riders in addition to the driver.


The premium Uber service

On Black, you also receive UberX rides. A driver can receive Black rides under the following conditions: have a vehicle that is maximum 6 years old.

Vehicle solutions

No matter how you plan to drive, we can help you find a car that’s right for you. Discover the range of options available to you.

Get more from Uber

  • Get support

    Let’s make every Uber trip hassle-free. Our support pages can help you set up your account, get started with the app, adjust fares, and much more.

  • Contact Uber

    Got questions? Get answers. Enjoy personal support at an Uber Greenlight Hub in Switzerland.

  • Make more money

    As well as driving passengers, you can also sign up to deliver food with Uber Eats. Find out more about how it works where you live.

  • Rewards

    Reduce your costs and take home more of what you make in Switzerland with driver discounts and rewards from Uber’s partners.

  • Partner Protection

    Partner Protection helps protect you from the cost of accidents or life events, and is provided at no cost to all eligible independent driver partners.


The information provided on this web page is intended for informational purposes only and may not be applicable in your country, region, or city. It is subject to change and may be updated without notice.