During  the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence we are reminded that commitments and investments from all levels of society are needed to end gender-based violence.  At Uber, we are dedicated to doing our part to address this societal challenge. 

Today, Uber is  proud to announce a $10 million dollar commitment, over five years, to provide funding for organizations working to prevent, address, and respond to gender-based violence as part of our global Driving Change initiative. 

We first launched Driving Change  in 2017,  and have expanded the program since, deepening our relationships with longstanding  partners, and developing new partnerships with organizations from around the world.  Over the years, we’ve seen the impact that partnerships with experts and advocates can have on our communities and on companies like ours. We know there is more work to be done and that is why today we are doubling down on our commitment to  Driving Change.  

Our Driving Change partners have shaped Uber’s safety journey, making safety an integral part of our company’s work. They’ve not only inspired innovative safety features, but also played a pivotal role in launching educational prevention and awareness campaigns that have reached millions of people in different parts of the world. In addition, these partners have provided trauma-informed resources and support for survivors in need.   

Supporting and investing in the work of organizations is a critical part of ending gender-based violence  in our communities. At Uber, we will continue to embed safety in everything we do, partner with organizations to raise awareness of gender-based violence, and fund programs and services that advance opportunities for women and marginalized communities everywhere. 

Quotes from our partners: 

“To successfully eliminate gender-based violence in the world, it will require strong and long-lasting partnerships: WomanACT is proud to collaborate with Uber; we applaud their commitment to support and partner with experts in the field and advance women’s equity in Canada and around the world. The Driving Change funds will support public education, raise awareness activities and enhance the inclusion of women with lived experiences of gender-based violence.” 

– Harmy Mendoza, Executive Director, Woman Abuse Council of Toronto, Canada

“Uber’s support was central in building EVA (Evidence on Violence and Alternatives for Women and Girls), the most comprehensive data platform on violence against women and girls. In addition to data on the different types of violence against women, the platform also provides a comparison of laws between Brazil, Colombia and Mexico and public initiatives. Over the five years of our partnership, we have shown the lack of data on the subject, developed training for journalists and participated in public debates to guide ways to overcome the problem.” 

–  Melina Risso, Research Director, Igarape Institute, Brazil 

“Over the past 4 years, we’ve really seen the impact of our work together. More and more private hire vechiles and taxi companies are following Uber’s example and implementing actions to prevent sexual violence.” 

— Lucile Dupuy, Co founder and COO, Hally, France 

“NNEDV’s Safety Net team is proud to continue to partner with Uber.  Driving Change  supports our organization’s work, and enables valuable collaborations. This year to help survivors and advocates evaluate Uber as a transportation option, we were pleased to develop a resource for survivors on safety and privacy considerations when using Uber. When creating a safety plan, transportation options are one of many elements survivors and their advocates need to consider.  Ride-sharing apps, like Uber, offer unique safety features that can help survivors as they look for transportation options that meet their needs.”

– Erica Olsen,  Safety Net Project Director, National Network to End Domestic VIolence, US

“The partnership between Uber and WESNET represents a powerful collaboration aimed at providing vital assistance to women at-risk and affected by Domestic & Family Violence (DFV) in Australia. Through this initiative, Uber’s rideshare program has played a crucial role in facilitating transportation for women to essential appointments related to safety planning, medical care, support services, legal assistance, housing, and police interactions. This partnership has already made a significant difference in the lives of over 5,372 women and their children, demonstrating a real and practical commitment to addressing the challenges of DFV.”

–  Karen Bentley, CEO, WESNET, Australia 

Driving Change Partners: 

Uber is privileged to continue to partner with organizations around the world, including: 







South Africa