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Get a license in New York

Create an account to drive with Uber in NYC.

TLC 资格要求

Criteria for approval


Age: You must be at least 19 years old

Social Security Number: You must have a valid Social Security Number when you submit your application

Points on your license: No more than 6 points on your DMV license within a 15 month period back from your most recent violation date

Outstanding Tickets: No outstanding tickets, parking violations or fines


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TLC 执照检查清单

1.提交 TLC 申请

填写在线 TLC 执照申请表。

2. Upgrade your license

Upgrade your driver's license to Class E or CDL, and request a certified abstract if your license is from out of state.

3. TLC medical exam

Take a quick, non-intrusive medical exam with a licensed physician.

4. Defensive Driving course

The TLC requires applicants to complete a Defensive Driving course with a TLC-approved course provider.

5. 24-hour FHV course

The TLC requires applicants to complete a 24-hour For Hire Vehicle (FHV) course with an exam administered at the end.

6. Drug test

All applicants must complete a drug test at a TLC-approved location.

7. Fingerprinting

The TLC requires all applicants be fingerprinted.

8. Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) course

The TLC requires all applicants to complete a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) course.


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    除了接载乘客外,您也可以申请成为 Uber Eats 优食派送员。进一步了解您所在地区的运作方式。

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