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For less than $0.03 a mile, Optional Injury Protection, through Affinity Insurance Services Inc., helps minimize the financial impact a covered accident could have on a driver or delivery person. Pioneered by Uber, this insurance offering is designed specifically for drivers.




每周最高 $500 的收入补贴


最高 $100 万的意外医疗费用,无免赔额或共付额


您的家人可获得最多 $15 万的赔偿





Pay $0.024 per mile only when on-trip—with coverage while you’re online, on the way to pick up a passenger or delivery, and on-trip (for deliveries and passenger trips).






Canceling your enrollment is easy and can be done at any time directly in the app.


    • California earners have Occupational Accident insurance paid for by Uber. Occupational Accident insurance is provided automatically for California rideshare and delivery drivers, and no sign up is needed. For a detailed Explanation of Coverage of Occupational Accident insurance including benefits, terms, limitations and exclusions, please click here.

    • California earners cannot enroll in Optional Injury Protection. If you have already enrolled, you can stay enrolled in Optional Injury Protection insurance, but you will not be charged for California trips that are covered by Occupational Accident insurance.

    • Effective October 1, 2024, Massachusetts Rides drivers have Occupational Accident insurance paid for by Uber. Occupational Accident insurance is provided automatically for Massachusetts Rides drivers, and no sign up is needed. For a detailed Explanation of Coverage of Occupational Accident insurance including benefits, terms, limitations and exclusions, please click here.
    • Massachusetts Rides drivers and delivery persons remain eligible to enroll in Optional Injury Protection. Delivery trips will be covered by Optional Injury Protection, and Rides drivers and delivery persons enrolled in Optional Injury Protection will be charged during delivery trips. Drivers will not be charged for Optional Injury Protection on any Rides trips.
    • In Massachusetts, Occupational Accident insurance -- not Optional Injury Protection -- will provide coverage if you are available for both Rides and deliveries, and not en route or on a trip.
    • Washington Rides drivers who sustain injuries while en route to pick up riders and during Rides trips may be eligible for workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Workers’ compensation insurance is provided automatically for Washington Rides drivers during these periods, and no sign up is needed. Eligible Rides drivers can file a workers’ compensation claim with the Washington Department of Labor & Industries. To file a claim call 1-800-547-8367 or click here. To learn more about workers compensation insurance click here.

    • Workers’ compensation insurance does not apply before accepting a trip on the Uber platform or while completing a delivery on the Uber platform. Washington drivers and delivery persons remain eligible to enroll in Optional Injury Protection and pay a lower rate of $0.022 per mile, which will provide coverage while on-line (but before accepting a trip) and while completing deliveries.

  • As a driver or delivery person, you’re constantly on the go. Accidents can happen, and often through no fault of your own. Protecting yourself against unforeseen medical expenses and eligible earnings loss resulting from a covered accident with affordable Optional Injury Protection can be a smart financial move. It can also help minimize the financial impact that an accident would have on you and your family. This coverage is designed specifically for rideshare and delivery drivers.

  • 您一旦注册投保并符合相关资格要求,即开始针对受保范围内的意外事故享有保障。尽管您只需针对接载乘客途中或派送途中完成的里程数支付费用,但在以下三种情况下,针对受保范围内的意外事故您均享有保险保障:  

    • 上线期间(包括您等候派送派单期间)
    • 在您前去接载乘客或领取派送订单期间
    • 使用车主端开车接单期间


  • 针对可选人身伤害保险承保范围内的伤害,如果您通过优步上线接单期间在受保的意外事故中受伤,您和家人可获得 6 种重要保障:  

    • 最高 $100 万(无免赔额或共付额)的意外医疗费用保障
    • 每周最高 $500 的暂时全残保障
    • 每周最高 $500 的连续性全残保障
    • 最高 $5 万的意外死亡保障
    • 最高 $15 万的遗属抚恤金保障
    • 最高 $20 万的意外残肢保障
  • 您可以通过车主端“保险”部分轻松快速地完成注册,方法如下:轻触“可选人身伤害保险”下的“了解更多”(转到“账号” > “保险” > “可选人身伤害保险”),您也可以点击以下链接上线

  • 可选人身伤害保险完全由您自由选择。您可以随时注册或终止保险。作为独立的业务经营者,您可以购买可选人身伤害保险产品,以帮助管理风险。

  • Auto liability insurance coverage may not cover personal medical expenses of the driver. Please check your auto liability policy for further details. Optional Injury Protection provides medical coverage for covered accidents, along with additional benefits such as disability earnings replacement and survivor benefits while you’re online with Uber. The rideshare insurance maintained by Uber insures Uber partners for bodily injury and property damage liability to third parties resulting from a covered accident, such as your riders, people in other vehicles, pedestrians, or property. This rideshare insurance generally doesn’t include the benefits offered by Optional Injury Protection. The rideshare insurance discussed here does not apply to commercially insured livery drivers. For more information, read Uber’s overview of insurance maintained on behalf of drivers at

  • If you’re involved in a crash while driving with Uber, you can report it to Uber first. Please submit a claim to Uber that includes details of an injury through the “Help” section of your app. Our claims support team will guide you through the claims process. Once Uber has confirmed that you have purchased Optional Injury Protection insurance, Uber will inform Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company on your behalf. There’s no need to report to your personal insurance company.

    To file a claim or check the status of an existing claim, contact Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company, the insurance carrier, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toll-free, at 1-844-747-6221. Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company will send you the necessary forms to complete. You must notify Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company within 20 days of the injury. The Uber Support team does not handle claims for Driver Injury Protection.

    For additional support click here.

  • Coverage costs $0.024 per mile on covered trips ($0.022 for Washington Drivers). The premium is calculated based on miles traveled while you’re on a trip with a rider or on your way to drop off an order and is rounded to the nearest cent at the end of each trip. You’re only charged for the miles while you’re on a trip, but the coverage extends while you’re online waiting for a trip. (If you drive in, Massachusetts, please see above question to understand when Optional Injury Protection may work for you.) The payment process is simple. When you enroll for Optional Injury Protection at, you'll also authorize Uber to deduct the per-mile premium from your earnings to facilitate payment. If you decide you no longer want Optional Injury Protection coverage, you can stop it at any time.

    Please note the rate is subject to change. Insureds will be notified in advance of any rate changes.

  • There are no refunds available for premium deducted from eligible drivers for Optional Injury Protection.

  • Coverage may be canceled at any time in the Uber App by following these steps:

    • Open the Account menu in the Uber Driver App
    • Select “Insurance” to open Insurance Hub
    • Go to “Optional Injury Protection”
    • Select “Terminate Coverage”
    • Choose a cancellation reason from the list
    • Select “Terminate” to confirm
    • You will receive a confirmation message in the app that your coverage has been canceled
    • Remember, you can re-enroll through the app at any time

    For a visual guide, click here.


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Uber Technologies is not an insurance provider and is not performing any insurance services. All coverages are subject to the policy terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Affinity Insurance Services Inc., is offering this optional coverage to people who use the Driver app. Optional Injury Protection insurance is offered through Affinity Insurance Services Inc., and the policy is underwritten by Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company. If there’s a discrepancy between the information shown here and the actual insurance policy, the policy governs. For further information, please see the coverage details.

Aon Affinity is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. (TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. (CA 0G94493), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency.

Optional Injury Protection is currently available in 42 states and Washington, DC: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

** * All Coverages are subject to the policy terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. If there is a conflict between the information shown here and the policy, the policy will govern.

The Injury Protection policy is underwritten by Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company. For further information, please see coverage details.

For Washington Enrollees: Premium rate is $0.022 per trip mile.