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Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Vágjunk bele

You can purchase and send gift cards through our online tool.

Purchase in bulk

Businesses can buy up to 1,000 gift cards per order, so it’s easy to purchase for a single client or a large team.

A gift everyone loves

Your employees or customers can use an Uber gift card in the Uber and Uber Eats apps, making it valuable to everyone.

Available internationally

Because gift cards are available in multiple currencies, businesses can buy them in many countries across the world.

Az Uber szeretne kapcsolatba lépni veled a megadott céges e-mail-címen, többek között ajánlások és termékekkel kapcsolatos hírek megosztása céljából. Bármikor leiratkozhatsz a promóciós üzenetekről.

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