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The Road to uChat: Building Uber’s Internal Chat Solution

July 25, 2017 / Global
Featured image for The Road to uChat: Building Uber’s Internal Chat Solution
Figure 1a: The design of our test entity, Thread, was as uncomplicated as possible to focus our attention on quickly validating product claims.
Figure 1b: EntityConfig represented the basic communication needs of a user on our platform.
Figure 2: Message send rates fall as master database connections max out and lock during testing of our Mattermost-based chat solution.
Figure 3: uChat’s original Puppet workflow was incapable of achieving the speed our solution required to reliably iterate and grow at scale.
Figure 4: uChat’s current Puppet deployment flow incorporates a separate repository for our Puppet module maintained by our site reliability engineers.
Figure 5: uChat’s architecture, detailed above, is entirely orchestrated by Puppet. This facilitates the high quality change control necessary to reliably deploy and fine-tune the platform.
Figure 6: Our team’s design critiques for improving the user interface within Mattermost/uChat left no stone unturned when it came to identifying problem spots with the UX.
The uChat mobile app makes it easy for Uber employees to communicate on-the-go and across devices.

Posted by Marissa Alvarado-Lima, Stanley Chan, Chris Duarte, Ed Wolf
