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Architecting Uber Support with Customer Obsession Engineering

20November,2017 / Global
Featured image for Architecting Uber Support with Customer Obsession Engineering
Figure 1: Uber’s customer support flow on presents users with an intuitive and easy-to-use UX that highlights trip details and suggests issue types to help with routing.
Figure 2: Launching self-service flows for cancellation fees and bad routes decreased our incoming support ticket volume.
Figure 3: Users can make an appointment to meet with experts at our Greenlight Hubs in the driver app. Once in this flow, users must specify their concern and then pick a time to meet. They will then be presented with the nearest Greenlight Hub locations and available appointment times at each one, leading to faster customer support resolutions.
Figure 4: A driver can use the mistimed trips self-service flow to correct their fare on their own when they forget to start or end a trip on time.
The customer is always top of mind for Uber’s Customer Obsession Engineering team.
Harsh Shah

Harsh Shah

Harsh Shah is a software engineer on the Customer Obsession team.

Posted by Harsh Shah
