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Couriers delivery rating from restaurants and customers, explained

Courier ratings can help you understand what your customers think of the services of your company.

Couriers overall rating comes from your last 100 ratings from restaurant staff and delivery customers. They can rate the courier with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Couriers might also receive feedback from restaurants and customers that couriers might find helpful. Looking for driving info?

How to give, get, and check ratings in the app

1. Once the courier has completed the pickup, the app gives the opportunity to rate the restaurant. Couriers also get to rate your customer once you drop off their order.

2. Restaurant staff and customers have the option to leave feedback, too. If someone gives a courier a thumbs down, the app may ask that person for a bit more feedback about why that rating was chosen.

3. The app adds the ratings couriers get into an average that’s displayed to their customers before and during a trip.

4. Couriers can see your average satisfaction rating in your app. Couriers can tap their profile picture in the menu, then tap the rating under their name for details.

If couriers receive a low rating

From time to time, couriers may encounter someone who gives them a low rating for something that was beyond their control. Don't worry. One low rating won't have a significant impact on a courier overall average. If theirs is consistently rated poorly, check out Uber resources, including tips from other delivery people. If their rating doesn’t improve, they may lose access to the app (see Uber’s Community Guidelines for more information).

What customers say they appreciate

Customers report that these delivery experience aspects inform their rating:

  • Speed and efficiency

  • Service

  • Handoff

  • Care taken with the delivery

  • Communication


Frequently asked questions

  • If a courier just started, they will be able to see the rating once he has received 10 or more ratings from restaurants or customers.

  • If couriers just started delivering, it’s normal for their average rating to vary over the course of their first few days. This is because there are fewer available trips making up your average. As they complete more and more rated trips, their overall rating will be based on their last 100 rated trips and therefore more stable.

  • Positive feedback from restaurants and customers can improve rating with each trip.

  • No, couriers won’t receive a rating for any canceled or unaccepted deliveries.

  • Providing a thoughtful rating strengthens our community and helps everyone get the most from Uber Eats. These are among the 4 qualities that delivery people frequently consider when rating restaurants and customers:

    1. Promptness: Were they ready for you when you arrived?
    2. Courtesy: Did they treat you with respect?
    3. Safety: Did you feel safe? Were you pressured to do something that would violate Uber's Community Guidelines?
    4. Clear communication: Were notes and instructions to you clear?

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