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Meet Uber Movement

Using data to help outplan, outthink, and outsmart gridlock

Planning great cities requires great data. Uber gathers trip data in more than 10,000 cities across the world. So why not share it? Enter Uber Movement, which gives urban planners access to Uber’s aggregated data to help make informed decisions about our cities.


Uber Movement provides new resources to urban planners

“Uber Movement is an important first step that demonstrates our commitment to the cities we serve, so that they can better plan and manage their streets and infrastructure.”

Shin-pei Tsay, Director of Policy, Cities, and Transportation, Uber

A stream of updated travel data

Making data accessible to urban planners helps give them more resources than ever to design the cities of the future. And that could translate into smarter, more efficient, more enjoyable cities for all of us.

Uber Movement in action

Helping plan for unforeseen events

Our data can help cities better plan for and respond to transportation needs and emergencies so that commuters can move a little easier when something like the DC Metro shutdown happens.

Offering insights on how cities move

In October 2016, Uber and Infrastructure Partnerships Australia (IPA) worked together to launch the IPA Transport Metric, which provides insight into how major cities move, calculated entirely from Uber Movement data.

Tracking access to healthy food

The Cincinnati Mobility Lab evaluates access to healthy food in the region. By measuring travel times—an important indicator when studying access to healthy food—our data can contribute to conversations around food deserts and access to healthy meal options.

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