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Crafting life-changing products and solutions for users from different cultures, backgrounds, and abilities isn’t just a challenge—it’s a calling. Our design team imagines the best potential impact we could make, and then we take a human-centric approach using cutting-edge design principles and technologies to turn it into a reality. Used by millions, the results go far beyond functional to deliver product expereinces that are intuitive, ingenious, and delightful.

A few of our principles

Excerpted from 77 Things, a primer for those who work in Uber Design.

Act responsibly

The work we do has personal and social impact, and once you realize that, your efforts shift to improving people’s lives.

Put design at the center

From concept to launch, we use design as the center of our process to discover what to make, and how to make it together.

Say ‘we’ not ‘me’

Our team of motivated and talented individuals is collectively empowered to build extraordinary things.

Inside Design


Our work

Our work reimagines the way the world moves for the better. Here are case studies that have surprised, delighted, and connected our customers.


Get to know us

Find out how our team has deepened their craft while working at Uber.

  • Kiran Arshi

    Sr Designer, Tech

    “At Uber, I’ve had the opportunity to embrace ambiguity, challenge myself, and become an advocate for the things I care about. Being at a company where I’m heard, celebrated, and empowered to grow makes me a better designer and a better person every day.”

  • Elodie Gomes

    Research Operations

    "At Uber, our Design Operations team partners with the Design and Research teams to navigate opportunities, embracing challenges and creating cohesive experiences for our users. Resources, workshops, and events are always available to enable your growth."

  • Jing Jing Tan

    Sr User Experience Researcher

    “At Uber, we are not just building software, but also building for real-life interactions. There are face-to-face interactions between drivers + riders, or between merchants + couriers + consumers. So our design and research touch upon both product and service design, which is super energizing!”

  • Emily Felipe

    Digital Designer, Brand Experiences

    "What's unique about the Brand Experiences team at Uber is that it's a place where we take creative storytelling and expand upon that narrative on a visual scale — from building robust digital systems and toolkits to capturing the brand voice through illustration and photography. The team is also close-knit and deeply passionate about setting everyone up for success, so you ultimately feel supported and encouraged to grow as a designer."


Rencontrez nos équipes de conception

  • Our Brand Experience team is responsible for creating an instant and positive emotional connection with our 90 million–plus users and amplifying our company's mission and values.

  • Through great storytelling and carefully executed campaigns, marketing wins over customers and earns their loyalty by helping them get maximum value from our products.

  • A cross-disciplinary team of designers, engineers, researchers, and writers, we create systems, not just screens. We strive to understand the relationships between our digital systems and real-world outcomes.