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Inspection requirements vary by city—get the details below.

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Central Oregon


To use the Driver app, get an annual vehicle inspection from a certified mechanic. Inspection requirements vary by city—get the details about Central Oregon below.

Passed Inspection forms from other rideshare companies may also be accepted. You can upload your completed vehicle inspection form here.


1. Download an inspection form

Local law requires people driving with Uber to inspect their vehicle every year. Most inspection centers have forms available, but you may want to bring one just in case.

2. Find an inspection center

You can get an inspection at any certified mechanic, including those not on this list.

Passed Inspection forms from other rideshare companies may also be accepted.


检测合格后,请将填妥的表格和收据上传到您的账号。优步不承担为通过检测而进行的维修或保养费用。我们会在 24 小时内审核大多数文件,但最长可能需要 3 天。


  • Yes, drivers are required to have a vehicle inspection completed by a licensed mechanic before being approved to drive.

  • You can get a vehicle inspection from any certified mechanic in your area, including those that may not be on the list below. You can find an inspection location by reviewing the locations listed in the map view or by going directly to the Driver app.

  • Inspections normally cost around $20-$40, depending on the facility. Uber does not cover the cost of vehicle inspections.

  • Most inspection centers will have a copy of the form, but you may want to bring a copy of the vehicle inspection form to your appointment just in case.


If you would like in-person help to activate your vehicle or complete your annual inspection requirement, reach out to our Support team.